Excuse me!!!!!!! It is MY JOB to be judgemental. Its no worse then smoking or drinking????? wow you ignorance is astounding.
Please do your home work. Just because your parents/friends are pot heads doesn't make it ok.
True alcohol and cigarettes are bad but like Pittsburgh pointed out they are not illegal. So in my opinion if you are defending the use of marijuana then you will defend the sale and production of it. To me you are just as bad as those who use it.
Mr. Conspiracy..... I say this to you. If one thinks it is ok for themselves or others to smoke/buy/sell/or produce marijuana then what other laws do they not have a problem breaking??? It may be a minor infraction in most states and most peoples minds but once you start breaking the law who is to say you are going to stop at "smoking a little pot"?
And the Oscar goes to...........................
Dude, get over yourself and the holier than thou, me be a protector of the law, therefore I have the right to judge you crap. You have zero right to judge or did you skip that day of the police academy? If people want to smoke dope in the privacy of their own home and it does not intrude into their professional career, so be it. As far as your ignorance comments go, I have seen far worse issues from alcohol and cigarettes than I will ever see from pot. I openly challenge you to provide statistically significant evidence contrary to that. Short of that, you sir are the ignorant one, you are not and will never be God. Stop trying to act like it............................
Yes, this is a heavily debated topic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, the thought process of someone smoking pot becoming the next serial killer is just plain stupid. I know quite a few people who smoke. They come from all walks of life. Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Police Officers. Its an individual choice, but as mature adults, they leave it at home, they do not indulge before they go to work, and they do not perform their duties in an impaired manner. Yes, each takes on a risk, but its one that they accept on their own terms. Just like our patient refusals.
Personally, I do not currently smoke. As a pilot, the FAA has great issue with it. Therefore it is my choice to not smoke marijuana. I did for several years. Never once did it affect my performance or level of care. However, when it is legalized, which WILL happen eventually once more people wise up to the potential revenue and taxation it can bring, I will be one of the first to light up. And I know I wont be the only one here to do so....................