EMT class


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Before taking an EMT class , do you need to know CPR?
No. They teach you everything. You can do a 1 week EMR class which teaches you that basic stuff though.

I might go for EMR first since its so short and much less cost and simple then see if I can get a job as a EMR first, if not then I'll go for EMT-B. The lady I talked to said she doesn't think they hire EMR's much though.
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Before taking an EMT class , do you need to know CPR?

All the classes I have seen/taken do not. But it is always possible that one you are looking at might. If there are any prerequisites to a class they would be listed on the website or someone would let you know beforehand. Most likely not and they will want to teach you CPR during the class.
Many EMT classes will require a HCP (Health Care Provider) CPR course, prior to the start of class. Others will provide it.

If you're unsure, check with your course coordinator.
There seriously needs to be a sticky on EMT class. :)
I start EMT class on Monday, and one of the things we have to show up with on the very first day of class is a CPR for Healthcare Providers card. It is a requirement for every EMT class that I looked into that the student be in possession of their CPR for Healthcare Providers card before taking the EMT class. I did mine at one of the local hospitals last month, a 3 hour class on a Saturday afternoon, it cost $50.
No. They teach you everything. You can do a 1 week EMR class which teaches you that basic stuff though.

I might go for EMR first since its so short and much less cost and simple then see if I can get a job as a EMR first, if not then I'll go for EMT-B. The lady I talked to said she doesn't think they hire EMR's much though.

Not sure what EMR is..but I am going to try and go for EMT-B since I want to volunteer and stuff.....

All depends on the program. Some require you to have it before class starts while others will get you CPR certified during the class.
All the EMT classes in NJ require students to have HCP CPR prior to the start of the course.
here in miami dade college you need cpr bfore emt class.My college provides an EMR class that certifies cpr for you.
At my college, we had to take a prerequisite EMR course, then you'd be certified in EMR, CPR, AED, and like 4 more certifications too lol.
What were the other four?
What were the other four?

Pretty "whatevs" certs.

Oxygen administration, Bloodbourne pathogens, asthma inhaler (Yes, ARC has a cert in asthma inhaler, not even administration I dont think) and epinephrine auto injector (not even administration)
I taught the old "emergency response" course for the ARC. It was mostly security guards and prospective EMT students.
I know my course here required CPR and AED cert. before you can put an app. in for the class
My uni class heavily suggests an AHA CPR card for healthcare providers (over the red cross versions), the student has to get one on their own before doing any of the hospital/ambulance clinical hours.

CPR is not required before starting class, however.