AMF yo-yo: When pts are belligerant and is stated usually right after tossing the pt from the back of the truck: Adios Mother-F***er, You're On Your Own.
Bohicapronounced Bo-Hee-Ka) referring to red tape from administration, from the language of line personnel, meaning: Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.
DDS: we have Duke university, and sometimes the kiddies drink too much. Drunk Duke Student, used via radio transmission to ER to inform them to get ready for the onslaught of ETOH fumes and puke.
Full-Tilt-Boogie-for-freedom-and-justice: Emergency traffic
Hi-Five: the code bangers use for HIV/AIDS
High-Blood: elderly define this as HTN
Holster-sniffer: Always a female, who dates many cops, trying to find herself a husband.
Low-Blood: the opposite of High Blood
Oh-dark-thirty: This is when the alarm goes off to get up for work, or when the tones go off in the middle of the night for some BS call.
PoPo: Po-licemen
Technicolor Yawn: Yak
Turnout gear sniffer: always a female, who dates everyone in the FD, looking for her husband.
skankatitis: This condition is reserved for pts who are just so nasty, you put on gloves on the off-chance that you might touch them.
Sugar: Elderly define this as Diabetes. Usually the question by EMS personnel is posed as: "you got sugar??"
t50-IF: (t50 is MVC) IF is Insurance Fraud
Two Beers: these are served in Durham at someone unknown bar in 55 gallon drums and are usually consumed by people that have wrecked their cars at 0400, or that get involved in a t94.
The Q-Word: we all know what it is, lets not anger the EMS Gods by saying it...
On a side note: we have a medic here and his main function is the tx of a HTN crisis; to him this is defined as not tamponading the vein after starting the IV...
Bohicapronounced Bo-Hee-Ka) referring to red tape from administration, from the language of line personnel, meaning: Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.
DDS: we have Duke university, and sometimes the kiddies drink too much. Drunk Duke Student, used via radio transmission to ER to inform them to get ready for the onslaught of ETOH fumes and puke.
Full-Tilt-Boogie-for-freedom-and-justice: Emergency traffic
Hi-Five: the code bangers use for HIV/AIDS
High-Blood: elderly define this as HTN
Holster-sniffer: Always a female, who dates many cops, trying to find herself a husband.
Low-Blood: the opposite of High Blood
Oh-dark-thirty: This is when the alarm goes off to get up for work, or when the tones go off in the middle of the night for some BS call.
PoPo: Po-licemen
Technicolor Yawn: Yak
Turnout gear sniffer: always a female, who dates everyone in the FD, looking for her husband.
skankatitis: This condition is reserved for pts who are just so nasty, you put on gloves on the off-chance that you might touch them.
Sugar: Elderly define this as Diabetes. Usually the question by EMS personnel is posed as: "you got sugar??"
t50-IF: (t50 is MVC) IF is Insurance Fraud
Two Beers: these are served in Durham at someone unknown bar in 55 gallon drums and are usually consumed by people that have wrecked their cars at 0400, or that get involved in a t94.
The Q-Word: we all know what it is, lets not anger the EMS Gods by saying it...
On a side note: we have a medic here and his main function is the tx of a HTN crisis; to him this is defined as not tamponading the vein after starting the IV...