EMS schooling is scaring me?


Forum Captain
I just started classes to become a basic emt last week. I've only been to 2 lecture classes and just got back from my first lab class today. Really I only sat through one leture because the first day was just about the class. But man I'm loving everything about it, when I'm home im actually exticed to read the book and do homework... Which isn't like me.

Today though was the first lab which is what scared me. The instructors are great. Today they just went over cpr and we practied on dummies in groups. Which the first time around I needed some help asking a few questions, but after the second and third time doing it, I realized how simple it is.

That's not the problem though, while I was sitting in class and the instructors we're going over everything, I don't know if I just didn't have all my attention on the class today or what but some of the stuff they were saying I wasn't understanding like it was going through one ear out the other but I was paying attention. Then all the work that they went over that we will be doing in the class in such a short time and having the other leture class twice a week.. Both of them are just scaring the hell out of me.

For you that went through this how is it? The professors said it is a very hard class. I wasn't too worried about it until I went to this lab today. Are the classes a lot of work? Hard work? How is it? In 8 weeks we start clinicals. My goal eventually is to become a firefighter paramedic. Any advice? Anything anyone can tell me? Thanks.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Ask questions if you don't full understand something. Simple as that. EMT class will be easier if you ask a question on something you don't understand.


Forum Captain
Ask questions if you don't full understand something. Simple as that. EMT class will be easier if you ask a question on something you don't understand.
You're right I don't know what I'm worried about. I'm looking ahead and getting worried about the class when I havent even scratched the surface of the course. I should be taking it day by day. Thanks for the reply, of course I'll ask questions this is what I want to do with my life, don't want to half *** it.


Forum Captain
I just started classes to become a basic emt last week. I've only been to 2 lecture classes and just got back from my first lab class today. Really I only sat through one leture because the first day was just about the class. But man I'm loving everything about it, when I'm home im actually exticed to read the book and do homework... Which isn't like me.

Today though was the first lab which is what scared me. The instructors are great. Today they just went over cpr and we practied on dummies in groups. Which the first time around I needed some help asking a few questions, but after the second and third time doing it, I realized how simple it is.

That's not the problem though, while I was sitting in class and the instructors we're going over everything, I don't know if I just didn't have all my attention on the class today or what but some of the stuff they were saying I wasn't understanding like it was going through one ear out the other but I was paying attention. Then all the work that they went over that we will be doing in the class in such a short time and having the other leture class twice a week.. Both of them are just scaring the hell out of me.

For you that went through this how is it? The professors said it is a very hard class. I wasn't too worried about it until I went to this lab today. Are the classes a lot of work? Hard work? How is it? In 8 weeks we start clinicals. My goal eventually is to become a firefighter paramedic. Any advice? Anything anyone can tell me? Thanks.

Everything gets absorbed with repetition, and if it is panicking you then it is a good sign you actually care about the subject at hand...just keep going over and over it until you know the info so well you hate it.

Rarely there are individuals who learn everything the first time they hear it- I had a friend on a course who remembered EVERYTHING the instructors told him and in the exact order it was taught...the instructors themselves didn't have the material so well memorised.


aspiring needlefairy
The more time you put into the book the more you will understand. Look up videos on YouTube and ask questions.


Forum Chiefess
They did the same thing at my school. Just make sure you keep up. Study hard, do all the other work, and stay on top. I don't know what book you are using, but mine had workbook assignments that only counted for 5% of our grade. A lot of students didn't bother doing them. DO EVERYTHING! And then some. If you have quizzes, look the answers up online. Then study the questions that are on these sites (Quizlet, memorize.com. studyblue.....) that aren't on the quizzes. Make sure those sites are ok with your instructor, though. Mine was fine with them. Ask questions and just go for it. Sounds like you are excited about it. You should be fine. Enjoy!


Forum Ride Along
Last week was my first week of EMT class too. It does seem as if us "Greenhorns" better hit the books hard and practice drills/skills. Monday was orientation for me and on Wed. (1st day of class) we had our first 2 quizzes on Ch. 1 (Intro to EMT) and Ch.2 (Well-Being of the EMT) then went over each chapter. In the program I attend you have to take a quiz first thing every morning. Anyways, when we left class Wed. we were given orders to complete Ch. 3 (Lifting and Carrying) and be ready for the quiz Fri. as well as... a day of heavy lifting hah. I thought to myself, "jeez who can't push or lift a stretcher?" So Fri. after we finished the 20 question quiz, we all had to take turns with a partner: lowering and elevating, lifting, carrying, and wheeling a stretcher with a 180 lbs. dummy on it around the classroom, then across the street, and finally up these spooky looking steep wooden stairs, back down the stairs, up the stairs, and back down again (I'm far from He-Man but I consider myself fairly strong and can run long distances). Well I'm letting you know now, if you guys do anything similar it's going to be a long class. "That joker starts getting heavy the second time up the stairs, no lie!" We had a couple of people struggle with it and it was painful to watch the improper body mechanics some were using. Lifting the wrong way can cause serious back pain ouch! It was a great class though b/c in a way it brought all of the students together. We were switching up partners, helping each other out, etc... But yeah hang in there and I'll try to do the same pal. This book hasn't left my side because like you said, it's great knowledge and and the class is fun. I'm treating this course just like I would the job itself, if you make mistakes they can cost you greatly. When I show up to to take the NREMT's exam I want to be sharp, score as high as i can, and represent my school/instructor. Good Luck buddy!


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Ideally you should be reading the chapter prior to class so the when the instructor presents the content it will not be your first exposure to it. This also allows you to identify potential trouble areas prior to the lecture. That way you can see if the lecture helps you understand the material, and if doesn't you will be able to better target your questions.


aspiring needlefairy
Also forgot to add. When doing clinicals try to do as much as possible, from what I've learned people usually fear suctioning. Break the fears and master the skill, you pts will benefit.

Apple Bill

Forum Crew Member
Don't be like 9/10s of the class on lab day and stand back for fear of looking ignorant. Of course you're ignorant, that's why you're taking the class. Get in there and get your hands on stuff. You'll be ahead in the long run.


Forum Probie
Right. Don't be afraid of stepping forward and making mistakes, it's how you learn best. Stereotypical answer, but if you're still hesitant when reading this post, get your *** in there and do work and don't give a **** about putting yourself in the spotlight. That's the most straightforward answer I can give you. Also, pay attention to details. Alot of the stuff you'll learn in the class - well, all of it is connected, remember that. If you need to step back and look at things separate to learn better, but remember to step back and realize how physiologically speaking alot of the stuff you learn is connected.


Forum Crew Member
the first part of the class is a bit intimidating because of learning all the basic things, don't be afraid to be wrong in the class because that is where you make your mistakes. If you have a question ask it, no matter how small it may seem. I found taking notes on small things that i didn't know, and to write down your mistakes on the physical part of the class. Read the book and do every assignment or quiz that you are given because they will count towards your final grade. Also, in the physical part of the class, don't be afraid to be the first to try a new skill or to test (if you are ready).

My class also had a study group that would meet between classes to help keep everyone up to speed and there was no one falling behind.

Whitney Cadena

Forum Probie
I watched the night class 6-9 go in with 60 students and only 12 passed state board. Ask questions. Don't be arrogant. READ THE TEXTBOOK! I almost failed CPR cause one of the instructors showed us "His" way of CPR. We had to follow the Red Crosses Guidelines word for word. When you go for clinical's or take practicals have some Dramamine on you. That stuff was a life saver. For some reason everything I ate wanted to come out while the room was swaying back and forth. Also, I recommend staying after class when you are allowed to do so and practice, practice, practice until practicals that way it's drilled into your head. Good luck, Young Padawan!


For you that went through this how is it? The professors said it is a very hard class. I wasn't too worried about it until I went to this lab today. Are the classes a lot of work? Hard work? How is it? In 8 weeks we start clinicals. My goal eventually is to become a firefighter paramedic. Any advice? Anything anyone can tell me? Thanks.

It's very hard to say whether EMT class is "hard" or not (and, in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't hard) because that is going to depend on you, your background, how you learn, and how the course is taught (all things can vary wildly from program to program and student to student). It's sort of like the pain scale. A 10/10 pain for you now is different than 10/10 pain when you were 5.

Trauma Queen

Forum Crew Member
EMT school isn't inherently hard, it's just a huge amount of information to take in to build a strong foundation for the rest of your career. I'm sure the other students in the class are experiencing the same thing, so perhaps suggest a study group once a week, or a day or two before an exam, so you can help each other. Also, ask your instructor for their email if you don't have it, and I'm sure they'd be willing to answer any questions you have.

While you're in class, it's a good idea to keep your phone on silent in your bag, or just leave it in your vehicle. It's one last distraction. Actively participate, too. Even if you answer a question wrong, or ask a question that everyone else may have an answer for. Being engaged in the learning experience is super helpful, and it also shows your drive and want to learn, which will make instructors more eager to assist in helping you when you have questions.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great. You just need to trust yourself and believe you can do it.