3. If you are aforementioned waving gimp. A simple sticking out of hand as if you were hailing a taxi will suffice. Performing actions that make you look like an epileptic mating with a windmill will not expedite our arrival. In fact we may just drive past for the hell of it.
This one was great...I laughed so hard I couldn't talk...I needed that...
ok so I guess I have a few...it appears that the funnier ones seem to have already been taken...
Remember that it is not our emergency.
If you hear someone at the station say "I've seen it all" wait 15 minutes and you will hear "I've never seen that before"
No patient is worth a back injury, call for help.
Anyone who says they never miss a tube is a liar.
Anyone who says they never miss an IV is a liar.
Anyone who recently learned how to start IV's, will miss when then get to start an IV in the field. And will inevitably lose confidence in themselves...remember this EVERYONE MISSES. we all hit a slump and can't hit the broad side of a barn, but end the slump on hardest stick of all time.
They already mentioned the will get a call when : you get your warm food from the microwave or restaurant, when in the bathroom...but they left out when finally get comfortable in bed.
you will enter places where you won't want to lean on the walls (they move) or stand still coz something may run up your pants leg.
EMS= Earn Money Sleeping
EMS=Every Minute Sucks
Patients in real pain are not rolling all over the place screaming.
Patients screaming at the top of their lungs "I can't breath" are breathing quite well.
Backboard are uncomfortable.
Our stretchers were not built for comfort.
I can't seem to think of any more at this time