Since we seem to be citing anecdotal experience as hard and fast truth, let me share a few of my experiences.
I found that peope who proceed from entry-level to Paramedic with no field experience have difficulty in performing the essential basics of the job. That is, lifting and carrying patients, moving the stretcher, basic communication with patients and family members, taking a blood pressure in a moving vehicle or how to find or operate basic equipment in an ambulance.
I agree that it certainly doesn't take a year of EMT experience to learn how to do these things. However, these are skill that need to be included in the training, or at least in the clinical experience of paramedic candidates. I can't tell you how many new "zero to hero" paramedics I've met that don't know how to operate the ambulance stretcher, have no idea how to use the suction unit in the ambulance or take a blood pressure not using a life pack.
These folks need to spend some time on an ambulance, doing it, before they become ALS paragods.
Of course, that's all anecdotal. Your mileage may vary.