ems pratical jokes


When I first started to dispatch at my current service many of the guys would tell me that the number to the local dominos was very similar to ours and that we often got calls for people ordering food. I was told to take the calls and the orders and then call dominos with them. I just looked at them but hey it was an O.I.C. so who thinks twice.
Well the calls did start to come in and I did take the orders and started to call dominos when one member came in and just laughed. Apparently they were calling from the back room. I soon realized that the number was not even close to being the same.

What a few weeks that was. But I felt like I was liked. Hey they say if we make fun of you or give you a hard time we like you. If we do not say anything to you at all then you have to worry.

Have a great day!
Liquid dish soap in the dishwasher
cans of coke in the freezer
taping the flex hose on the handheld sink nozzle open and putting it back in position, water tuns on and sprays victim
removing the slats from under the matress--falls into a big matress sinkhole
foley catheter bag with yellow food colored water and gold fish; run tube out from under pt show it to ED staff and ECF staff.
EMS practical jokes

I've got 2 . Someone was stealing food from our FD fridge . Sombody gets sick of it and gets 2 half gallons of ice cream , 1 fudge ripple , and 1 plain vanilla . He scoops both out , then mixes melted chocolate exlax into the vanilla . He puts it in the ripple box , lets it set up , takes a couple scoops out , then lets it lie in wait for the perp . It worked too good . HE GOT THE CHIEF AND OUR LT. !!!!!!! Hell hath no fury like a chief who's been had with the runs ! The next couple weeks were real interesting . He never found out who did it .

Put a skeleton in the fridge , one hand holding a coke , and the other holding a note that says ; " Gee , the light does go out when the door closes ! " Have the AED ready .
that is funny....evil, but funny. Paybacks are a B@#$H
Not really a prank, but something pretty funny. One of the guys I work with used his cell phone to record the entire process of turning on an AED, letting it analyze, charge, then actually shock the patient. He uses that as his ringtone, so if it ever rings around medical personnel, people scatter trying to figure out what's going on.
i love this...something I would love to do...I want it. Actually I had the scanner on last night and forgot to turn it off...being nosey!! At some odd awaken night it goes of and my husband literally fall of the bed. I can't wait to be an EMT!!
We used to sneak into the female bathrooms in the middle of the night and saran wrap the toilets. The girls just loved us for that.....

I think I would absolutely KILL someone for that. :glare:
omg thanks great!! I learning so much stuff here...LOL I will be so ready for the field...if you kno what I mean!!!
there's near infinate practical joking possibilities with nasal lube. :P
turn battery master off. turn all lights and siren box on. wait for tones. eager driver jumps in and throws the master, lighting up the whole station and waking the dead

I love this idea...It may very well happen one day at my station.
dispatch payback

When I was dispatching at the private service I work at I did these to a few different crews:

1: send night shift, non emergent to assist the FD at a certain address for multiple unresponsive pts. the address is a cemetery.

2: 5 min before the end of shift dispatch them out of town medic crew on a bls run.

3: real run, drove BLS crew nuts: Emergent to a small hospital to transport a pt to a big hospital, post cardiac arrest. the CORPSE had a tumor that the morgue wanted out, and only had 3 hours to get it out post death. BLS crew kept asking for a medic enroute to pickup hospital. and was told that they didn't need one. then they took EVERYTHING into the hospital with them.
When I was dispatching at the private service I work at I did these to a few different crews:

1: send night shift, non emergent to assist the FD at a certain address for multiple unresponsive pts. the address is a cemetery.

2: 5 min before the end of shift dispatch them out of town medic crew on a bls run.

3: real run, drove BLS crew nuts: Emergent to a small hospital to transport a pt to a big hospital, post cardiac arrest. the CORPSE had a tumor that the morgue wanted out, and only had 3 hours to get it out post death. BLS crew kept asking for a medic enroute to pickup hospital. and was told that they didn't need one. then they took EVERYTHING into the hospital with them.

This is awesome, I would love to see this in action!!
Not really a prank, but something pretty funny. One of the guys I work with used his cell phone to record the entire process of turning on an AED, letting it analyze, charge, then actually shock the patient. He uses that as his ringtone, so if it ever rings around medical personnel, people scatter trying to figure out what's going on.

THis is great....I might wanna try this.....
The flying book

I had a partner who was a Steven King nut . She had the whole collection in hardback and couldn't wait to get back to the station after calls to read . This drove me nuts . I liked being on the road . One day , I ran up to our quarters before her and hid under her bed . ( she liked to sit with her legs hanging over while she read ) I waited about 15 - 20 min. for her to get into it , then grabbed her ankle and yelled . The book went sailing out the window and landed on top of our rig and she hit her head on the top rack ( bunk bed ) . She just about kicked my butt . ( ex biker chick ) She checked under the bed for a long time after that , so the other crew told me . LOL
food thiefs

Fire dept: someone brought in 6 big, beautiful Carmel apples, covered in nuts with sticks in them with a note: "DO NOT EAT TILL DINNER". throughout the day, the note disappeared then they started to.

I saw them in the trash with 1 bite taken out. 2 didn't get eaten: 1 was the guy that brought them, the other is me: I'm allergic to nuts.

they were red onions.
Fire dept: someone brought in 6 big, beautiful Carmel apples, covered in nuts with sticks in them with a note: "DO NOT EAT TILL DINNER". throughout the day, the note disappeared then they started to.

I saw them in the trash with 1 bite taken out. 2 didn't get eaten: 1 was the guy that brought them, the other is me: I'm allergic to nuts.

they were red onions.

Man, that's a mean one :lol:
stretcher to roof.

When you spot another crew at the coffee shop or fast food joint, sneak over to thier ambulance. Use the belts on the stretcher to secure it to the grab bars on the ceiling.
Last April 1st, we pulled up to the hospital with our lights on, sprinted out of the truck, ran to the back of the truck, and pulled out the stretcher. I got on the stretcher and did chest compressions on a nonexistant patient while our driver used a BVM and my partner worked the AED and pushed the stretcher into the ER. We ran to the trauma bed, moved the sheet off our stretcher onto the bed, threw a run sheet at the doc, remade the stretcher and bolted back out the door while the ER staff dissolved laughing.

Another good prank is to turn on the siren of any ambulance whose crew is dumb enough to turn it off. As soon as they turn it back on, earsplitting ensues.
Holy Cooooowwww I can't wait to do/and or be ready for some of these! School's over in a few months.... I'm sure I'll be pranked as a newb....
Hi ya'll. Just to add a personal tidbit to the collective. I've found you can fit at least 5 to 6 match heads in someones cigarette carelessly left around the station. Use a leatherman or equivilent to remove the tabacco, insert just the match heads, and pack tobacco back over the top to "hide" your present. It'll get the their attention.

Im trying to get my mom to stop smoking. Thanks :ph34r: