ems pratical jokes

talk about an embarrassing moment chico
good one kimberly,that was sneaky
I will keeps these all in mind.
Hi ya'll. Just to add a personal tidbit to the collective. I've found you can fit at least 5 to 6 match heads in someones cigarette carelessly left around the station. Use a leatherman or equivilent to remove the tabacco, insert just the match heads, and pack tobacco back over the top to "hide" your present. It'll get the their attention.
I've done this one to many newbies.

I take good old armorol and wipe down the bench seat, it makes it very slippery. I then drive really fast around corners. The poor newbies are always flying around in the back of the rig and they never can figure out why! It works every time:P
Man I would not want any of you pissed at me. Many of those listed can be very dangerous. Now I like a good practical joke as much as the next guy but some of these are going to far to the point of assault. Also you have to be careful. You never know what someone might be allergic to. Someone at my rescue squad made cookies with exlax in them. We had a female firefighter that had an allergy to exlax or it chemical makeup. She ate one of the cookies and about 10 minutes later we were working a code on her.

Now we had a noob at the station that was always bragging about all the women he had been with. One of the guys went and bought a huge pair of panties and took a hershey bar and made skid marks in them. So one night after a squad meeting he placed the panties on Jasons tailgate. When I say huge I mean they coverd the tail gate from one side to the other with barely any stretching. Then tied a huge cup size bra to his bumper. Then he took clear packaging tape and taped partiallly filled condoms to the back of his truck cab. This was hilarious when he left and a county unit pulled him over and actually was going to cite him for something related until he explained what had happened.
You know what they say..... "It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!":P

hmm don't forget that no matter what, it's always funnier when the one whose injured is a clown, cause an injured clown is... well... I think you all know how funny an injured clown is
Okay this took planning and effort but the result is priceless...

First thing needed is a communal bunk room with drop ceilings, like in a fire station.

Second you need a 20 ga iv needle and two sets of oxygen tubing that are spliced together.

Now find your victims bunk and locate the ceiling tile directly over where his head will be on the pillow, or if you are meaner, groin under the blankets.

Insert the needle into the tile until the tip is almost all the way through the tile. Remove the needle leaving the catheter only.

Connect the tubing to the catheter hub, tape if necessary.

Run the tubing through the ceiling to either the kitchen or the bathroom sink. Barring access to either of these a sixty cc syringe to a pre-charged line is good too.

Wait for lights out.

Turn the water on very, very, very slowly. This will create on annoying microdrip on the sleeping vics head.

As long as you practice with the water before actually doing this to someone, you will learn to regulate the flow of water so as to be annoyingly undetectable. Just a little drip every now and then, he he he...

I have seen grown men almost come to blows because they couldn't see the catheter and thought some jackass was flicking water on them. Cried myself to sleep laughing.

LOL genius!
Dip gummy bears, worms, or any of the geletin candies in water and place on windows. It is almost impossible to get the goo completely off the window after it has dried.
Disclaimer: I don't recommend practical jokes. But this fictional story is pretty funny anyway.

When training a brand new rookie, during vehicle checkout:

Sit in the driver's seat and ask, "Are the headlights on?"

Newbie goes and checks.... "No."

"Oh, there's a switch in the front grille, can you turn it on?"

Newbie puts head right up to the grille to look for the switch.... then you blast the siren.

After he reacts, of course, you say, "Just kidding.... really, can you flip that switch for me?"
I'm surprised no one's posted these good ol' standards...

Ask the probie/rookie to go get 10 feet of fallopian tubing. When he comes back saying he can't find any, tell him to drive to the neighboring station. Call ahead once he leaves and tell them he's coming. When he gets there, they're out too, so have them ask him to bring back 20 feet, etc. etc. etc. Once he gets to the last station (and probably needs well over 100 feet), send him to the local hospital since only they have that amount, and have the nurses direct them to pediatrics (optional, but they're a) usually less busy than general admissions, and b) I find the nurses have a better sense of humor). How far you take it is up to you, but some more probies have been sent to the maternity ward and been answered with "well, if you really need some, we have some umbilical cord you can have, works just as well". Just be sure the bio bag doesn't leak inside the rig lol.

This got some people written up (and this was before terrorism and "homeland security" was such a big deal). A rookie was giving this box with wires and what not and a beeping sound coming from it... was told it was a bomb and he needed to take it to the special ops station. He gets in his POV (didn't want to draw attention to himself by taking a station vehicle, in case we were being watched), and tears off down the road at 100 mph (besides being told not to speed). He gets pulled over. Next thing you know the bomb squad and a full box alarm is being dispatched to that stretch of road. *phew*.

Make sure the rookie knows how to put together his own tool-kit. It needs:

Left handed wrenches, torque converters, a spare diesel catalytic converter adjuster (make sure to specify it's for a diesel), a fuse pushing 100 watts and .5 amps for the lightbar, and a tread changer for the tires. Then send him off to the local hardware store :).

The station's adopting a new system for EMS: All units now need a _______ (insert your name here; trauma bag, quick pack, etc.). Send him off with an empty BLS bag and tell him to fill it with:

36-drip IV sets.
8 gauge needles (or whatever is one size smaller than what you have so its believable)
Jugular BP cuff.
"Black Widow" Straps (the next generation of Spider Straps; they're jet black, you can't miss 'em)
3 point quick clips.
4.5x6.5 trauma dressings (or whatever odd size you never carry and never will)
400ml bag of LR.

You can also print up a fake medicinal-marijuana protocol if you're feeling really mean, make him memorize it, then have everyone quiz him on it... tell 'em your stations running the pilot program due to the increased number of patients who have glaucoma in the local nursing home.

I have a dozen more but my fingers are tired lol.
One of the better pranks I've seen done is ; Get uder the hood of the victims car, take oxygen tubing with conector, undo windshield washer hose going to windshield and splice in with oxygen tubing, route tubing through firewall under the dash of said vehicle, you will need to reduce or pinch the end of tubing to get desired stream. Aim at seat in crotch area. When target decides to wash windshield allah. They get a bath from under the dash.
In the fire service, this one is commonly used for negative reinforcement with people who cheese off the Chief to the point that the rest of the shift is paying the price for whatever the knucklehead did. The variant is that you cover the offender's head with a pillow and administer the negative reinforcement with bars of soap in tube socks to whatever ain't covered by a pillow. Not commonly heard of, and definitely a last resort, but highly effective. No, I've never been a participant :rolleyes: (and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

to us in the millitary we call that a "blaket party". same deal, usually reserved for squad :censored::censored::censored::censored: up, last resort, highly efective. also never been participated, or have i been where one had to be given.
Not really a prank, but something pretty funny. One of the guys I work with used his cell phone to record the entire process of turning on an AED, letting it analyze, charge, then actually shock the patient. He uses that as his ringtone, so if it ever rings around medical personnel, people scatter trying to figure out what's going on.

Oh my god!!!! I really really really really want to do this!!!!!!!!
Not exactly an intentional practical joke but...

Anyone familiar with Adams County, PA will know the tone Im talking about. The dispatch center uses a specific alert tone (kinda like a plectron) to alert fire/ems to any fire incident (everything from AFA's to box alarms). I have this tone on my phone as my ringtone.

I was riding along with Prince Georges County, MD Company 10 (Laurel) one day, and it just so happens that their pre-alert tone for a first due box is the same tone...Mom decided to call during dinner, causing the captain to yell "BOX!" and everyone ran out to the bay. It wasnt until they had their gear on and were getting in the trucks that they realized it was my phone, not a first-due fire :D
In my old station we had a room with two couches and a TV for the medic crew to sleep in during the day. Once the rook went in and went to sleep, we would call dispatch and request a encoder test at the station. Meanwhile, someone would go get a dry chem and place the hose under the door. Just as the tones were starting, let loose on the dry chem and wait for the now abominable snowman to come coughing out of the room just as radio says, "Station xx, this completes your encoder test".

An alternate would be to throw a 50 strand of firecrackers under the same door as above and spray the dry chem also.

Firecrackers under the bathroom stalls whilst one is performing thier "Constitutional Duty to Act"

1200' of Saran Wrap and a nice line of Pink Duct tape around the car.



So Grady, where in the world did you get hot pink duct tape???^_^
You , my friend , have a very evil mind and WAY too much time on your hands . Time to transfer to a busier station . Don't forget tying your partner to his rack with dental floss and call for a tone test or getting some friends and pushing the rig around the corner , then calling for the test while he's sleeping .

So Grady, where in the world did you get hot pink duct tape???^_^


You , my friend , have a very evil mind and WAY too much time on your hands . Time to transfer to a busier station . Don't forget tying your partner to his rack with dental floss and call for a tone test or getting some friends and pushing the rig around the corner , then calling for the test while he's sleeping .


They were 5th busiest out of 26 last year, but that was done about 3 on Thanksgiving morning last year. Now I am much busier, not unheard of for 13 calls in a 14 hr shift frequently.