I was just typing a facebook message to somebody that posted in a group I'm in asking for help for their EMT patient assessment practical exam. I ended up not sending it to them, but decided to post up some of the information I was going to send here.
1. Patency (open and unobstructed)
1. Respiration vital sign without rate
2. Consider administering oxygen
1. Check for uncontrolled life threatening bleeds
2. Pulse vital sign without rate
3. Check skin signs
If you can count to potato, you can be an EMT. Airway has one thing for you to consider, breathing has two things for you to consider, circulation has three things for you to consider. It's a nice checklist. Some schools like to break it by teaching students to do lung sounds at A or B though.
In addition to ABC123, I've seen some schools teach ABCD, D for disability (mentality). I find that confusing, but if it works for the student, why not also complicate it more by making it ABCD1234, four things to ask for disability (mentality): Person, Place, Time, and Event (I've seen some places teach Person, Place, Purpose, and Time).
For skin signs, check for CTCTC: color, temperature, condition (moisture), turgor, and capillary refil. A lot of schools just teach color, temperature, and moisure, but made this one up awhile ago after I saw online somebody saying CTC, and thought CTCTC was better, lol.