I know the McD's where I use to live only gave discounts to paid rescue, fire, ambos and police. Any ways I was there one night after doing some rescue training with the State Emergency Service, two paramedics were ahead of me in line, we started chatting about our day. Once we got to the end of the line we all ordered, they were all given discounts except me. I asked why, she said that only paid emergency services get discounts - I was not that fussed and sat down and ate my meal with the paramedics.
Two days later I was called out for a rescue of a back packer who got them self caught over the side of the cliff - mission complete. On our way back to base I decided not to take my harness, helmet and other gadgets off because of the media presence.
Anyways on the way to base i pulled into McD's with full PPE, harness - the works. The same girl was at the register, I ordered the same meal and she said something on the lines of "And your not getting a discount today" and I replied back somewhat loudly as I was somewhat grumpy from been out in the cold on a rope "I know and I never asked for one becuase I know you don't give discounts to Rescue volunteers"
The funniest thing happened the manager ran out almost pushed her out of the way, I got the meal free with a upsize and from this day on that McD's gives rescue volunteers %45 off.