Why do you want this? You don't need 90% of that.
I was given a pretty nice trauma kit for graduation from EMT school (its LA Rescue brand). Know what I use it for? It goes on the quads when I go quad riding in the mountains.
If I witness something I will call 911. I may provide bystander CPR if necessary, but I don't walk around advertising myself as an EMT. I won't stop and help if I know help is already coming, unless said help is extremely far away. Where I live this isn't a likely scenario, but when I go to Eastern WA on vacation, help can be 2 or more hours away in some places. Then I MAY help, depending on the situation, and my safety.
When I opened my kit, wanna know what was in it? 90% bandages. You can go to walmart and buy them for $5. Don't need a fancy kit.
Carry a cellphone, nitrile gloves, cpr mask, some bandages and you will be good. Put them in a ziploc and there you go. All you will ever need.
My trauma kit will never see a emergency that isn't a family member or friend unless I am being paid to operate in an official capacity. Just isn't worth it. I take that back, my oldest daughter might dress as an EMT for halloween, if she does she can carry it when she goes trick or treating.
Don't waste your money.