EMS affairs..?

You're all related, BC?

Oh, wait...I thought you said "familialarity"!.;)

Didn't happen in my services. Women were too smart.
Oh, wait...I thought you said "familialarity"!.;)

Didn't happen in my services. Women were too smart.

We're not all related. My friend and I refer to ourselves as "The New DNA" Seriously, community to the west of us has had some issues because of the finite gene pool.
Oooh and don't forget EMS/FF and alcoholics.

Yeah... one of the most popular places for private EMS to post in my area is behind a particular liquor store. On one particular night, there were five units stationed back there (two from my company, the other three were from different ones). It would look quite bad if someone were to unknowingly take a photo and claim drinking on the job, even if we technically park behind a pathology lab, and that liquor store is extremely friendly to emergency service personnel. Just as many police frequent the thing as EMS.
I have to say i have learned that EVERYBODY is sleeping together in EMS...even if their not. Its like a Hot topic of converstaion, it starts amusement among the crews to concoct who could possibly be sleeping with who this week. I hate it...its drama.
That gives new meaning to "job satisfaction" for sure. :rolleyes:

I am sure that there is some affairs, I hear rumors of them all the time, but I agree there may be little substance to many of them having been wrongly targeted by a few.
oh i'm not saying i'm completley innocent here ;)
its just the rumors fly around like wild fire up in my Valley which is what these 5 towns are refferred to as and its rediculous...its a new person every week with these people! some of its actually humorous
I just found out my partner has slept with four different EMTs at our station.

(mods can remove if not appropriate)

Trying to provide objective data...
I met my boyfriend at the dept we both volunteered for and we dated for 3 years until I moved. We kept it pretty quiet though, our chief didn't even know until right before I left. I know there was some hanky-panky going on there, but instances were few and far between, and I never knew of any one cheating.

Now, where I went on my MICP internship they had a on-duty death because of cheating. 2 partners started sleeping together, the woman's husband became suspicious, found some sort of proof, then tracked down the ambulance one day and shot them both. Eventually they were dispatched to a call and when they didn't respond dispatch sent a police car out to investigate. I also heard about a few other partners who would get busy in their ambulances while on shift.
I once told my partner that the news that I had for him would be enough to make him have an affair with me.... interesting as we are both straight males.

I met my wife when I transferred to her rescue squad, and yes the jokes started about how we did more than just cut cars together (A psycho that thought the wife and him were dating thought I was cutting his grass - interesting in managing his issues).

But on a more serious note, about EMS affairs and love issues, I was sitting in the lunch room the other day (doing a med/surg rotation for my nursing degree), and in the paper there was a story about a paramedic from the state ambulance service over here.

Turns out his girlfriend (an RN) decided to leave said paramedic after a long argument, he stalked her for a while, and she took out a restraining order. So, he thought it would be a good idea to try and strangle her. And if that was not enough, he thought a dose of morph would be enough to not only ease the pain of his psychological issues, but also end his life.

Fortunately, the ex got away, and called the police, who also activated the ambulance and shot him with narcan for the morph overdose. It turns out he suspected her of cheating.

Long story short, he was sentenced to prison last week for attempted murder.
Here is a copy of the article:

A WELL-KNOWN Newcastle paramedic, celebrated for his work including during the Newcastle earthquake, has pleaded guilty to the attempted strangulation murder of his former partner at her New Lambton home.

David Charles Higgins, 48, was arraigned in Newcastle District Court yesterday on one count of attempting to strangle Leanne Egan with intent to murder her.

"I plead guilty," Higgins, dressed in a black suit, blue shirt and blue tie, told Judge Ralph Coolahan from the dock.

He also asked Judge Coolahan to take into account on sentence one count of maliciously damaging the St James Road home by fire.

Evidence tendered during committal proceedings in Newcastle Local Court last year said Higgins lured Ms Egan to the home the day of the attack, on December 12, 2007, with a lie concerning a child he was caring for.

There, he bashed her, jumped on her neck and attempted to choke her and strangle her with a skirt, before setting the house on fire and injecting himself with morphine, the court heard.

In a statement to police, Ms Egan, a nurse, said Higgins had lied throughout their relationship, including about his age, marital status and family situation.

Higgins and Ms Egan, 35, split up in early 2007. He allegedly threatened she would "regret this decision" and "I'll make sure you pay". Later that year she twice changed the locks after Higgins stole keys and began turning up at the house when she wasn't home.

Higgins, of Kings Road, New Lambton, was due to stand trial after he pleaded not guilty in the same court in September. His barrister, Terrence Healey, had flagged that mental health and "pharmacological" issues would be raised.

Mr Healey said yesterday he expected to tender a number of reports to the court on sentence.

He said a Crown psychiatrist was also preparing evidence about factors impacting on Higgins's behaviour the day of the incident.

Mr Healey said he would also call a number of witnesses to give evidence on Higgins's prior good character and the good work he had done, including as an ambulance officer.

Higgins was once known as the face of the ambulance service after he climbed bravely through the collapsed Newcastle Workers Club looking for survivors in the hours after the earthquake struck in 1989. He won awards in 1999 for pulling a speedway driver out of his burning vehicle at Newcastle Speedway two years earlier.

The case was adjourned to April 8. Higgins is in custody.
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