I prefer your definition of a save to the fire departments of a save being getting them to the hospital for the doctor to call it.
First you need 2 people besides the patient. A third person is great but not required. More than 5 and people are in the way big time.
You need a means to deal with cardiac electrical system, could be as simple as an AED.
High quality compressions with very limited interuptions.
Drugs have actually per Dr. Bledsoe not been proven to actually increase likelyhood of recovery but hey I want to play so I want all my ACLS drugs.
Intubation equipment. Including Cric kit in case.
Heat packs.
Chest decompression kit. OK big word for 14g long caths.
At least 2 IV's/IO's but see drugs above.
OK does that get us started. But w/o specific cause hard to say.
And very important work it on scene there should be no diesel bolus' on a code. It is against current guidelines. And endangers the public for a dead person.