Do EMT jobs even exist? Where do I find them?


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I am currently an EMT student planning to transition directly into a career following my cert.

Just to see what job opportunities I'll have, I did a job search for my state on

I got 4 hits. Two EMT jobs and two firefighting jobs (a few more ER tech jobs, all of which have varying cert and exp. requirements). That's 4 open jobs in my entire state. For a field that according to bls is growing 33% per year, that isn't very promising. If there are 4 open jobs, I'll be up against a few hundred applicants. Which I can do (I'll beef up my resume with volunteer work), but i'd really rather be competing with double digit applicants at the most.

So I can't help but ask, do ambulance companies not utilize the internet for hiring, or is it really this dry out there? Are all of you the best of the best, as you were able to nab one of the only open positions in your entire state against hundreds of aspiring EMTs? How does one go about finding and getting these jobs?
The field is growing. As in EMS not EMT-B. Although I suppose that would be growing too, just not as substantly.
Get your medic. Get your fire too if that interests you, may even open up a door or two.
Somehow I doubt that or even any of those other career sites are truly representative of available EMT jobs. Your Local EMS Agency should have a list all the licensed ambulance services/companies. I'd say go to their websites, call, or best yet just walk in to their main offices to apply. Just because they're not advertising open positions online doesn't mean they don't have any, especially for someone willing to do a little leg work.
In my experience, reputable companies don't advertise openings on job sites, or crags list, etc.

They usually show the openings on their websites or you can call and go in and ask for an app.
In my experience, reputable companies don't advertise openings on job sites, or crags list, etc.

They usually show the openings on their websites or you can call and go in and ask for an app.

This. Most companies seem to have a wait list in my state, so there is no need to post info online.
Off the top of my head I know of four EMTB positions, non fire, open here. Not to mention I'm still short about six EMTs on my trucks. All depends on where you live
depends on where you live. there are jobs online. there are jobs on craiglist (although I wouldn't go there).

Are there any in your state? maybe, maybe not. If you are in socal, you are pretty much SOL.

If you are on the east coast, or work in a tiered system, there are jobs, but the better ones tend to be more competative. Those agencies also expect you to come to them, so check their websites for employment vs relying on indeed.
I am currently an EMT student planning to transition directly into a career following my cert.

Just to see what job opportunities I'll have, I did a job search for my state on

If you live in North Carolina, you're looking for the State's EMS employment website.

I got 4 hits. Two EMT jobs and two firefighting jobs (a few more ER tech jobs, all of which have varying cert and exp. requirements). That's 4 open jobs in my entire state. For a field that according to bls is growing 33% per year, that isn't very promising. If there are 4 open jobs, I'll be up against a few hundred applicants. Which I can do (I'll beef up my resume with volunteer work), but i'd really rather be competing with double digit applicants at the most.

Unfortunately, it takes less education than becoming a hair stylist to get your be prepared for a very competitive marketplace. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

Low barrier to entry? Check.

Low educational standards? Check.

Be prepared to fight for the workforce scraps. Your only recourse is to continue your education.

So I can't help but ask, do ambulance companies not utilize the internet for hiring, or is it really this dry out there? Are all of you the best of the best, as you were able to nab one of the only open positions in your entire state against hundreds of aspiring EMTs? How does one go about finding and getting these jobs?

In NC we use the State website mainly, or EMT's go to interfacility transfer companies or volunteer until positions open (less common at the EMT level).