Do all paramedics think they are the know all end all?

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Wow, I have noticed (not like it is hard) that alot of paramedics think they are the " know all,end all" and that emt-b's are pieces of crap. Like emt-b's are more of an annoyance to the public than a value. Ofcourse the D.O.T. hasnt gotten this memo yet because they still sanction and mandate EMT-B's. I wish some of the godlike paramedics would apply for a position in the D.O.T. because they are obviously much more intelligent than the people already in place because the know all para. have several years personal knowledge and the D.O.T. only has several decades and many datasets in which to glean their knowledge. Heres the bottom lineon a human level and not from a medical viewpoint.... To all of the Para. tat like to bash EMT-B's: Get your head out of the clouds! How do you think nurses and M.d.'s speak of you? The same way you speak of EMT's. Also, if you are busy pointing out EMT's shortcomings you obviously think you have " arrived" and are no longer learning , and guess what.....YOU are putting people in danger with your know all attitude. Not the EMT. If your EMT is lacking, help them. DOnt come here and talk about how dumb they are.
Well...First of all, I have met many, many Medics who do all they can to help out others who need/ask for it. Many medics who admit when they don't know about something. And a minority that do tend to be egoistic. When I become a Medic, I doubt I will be of the kind that talk down to others because I have been around good Medics and EMT's (you will find many here).
So here you go, we both seem to have different opinions. I am sorry if some Medic did something to hurt you (as it seems) but please try not to generalize the entire Medic population as "having their heads in the clouds" because of one incident.

And finally, I know its a joke, but your sig. makes the message a bit ironic...
Oh jeez *sigh*


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Wow, I have noticed (not like it is hard) that alot of paramedics think they are the " know all,end all" and that emt-b's are pieces of crap. Like emt-b's are more of an annoyance to the public than a value. Ofcourse the D.O.T. hasnt gotten this memo yet because they still sanction and mandate EMT-B's. I wish some of the godlike paramedics would apply for a position in the D.O.T. because they are obviously much more intelligent than the people already in place because the know all para. have several years personal knowledge and the D.O.T. only has several decades and many datasets in which to glean their knowledge. Heres the bottom lineon a human level and not from a medical viewpoint.... To all of the Para. tat like to bash EMT-B's: Get your head out of the clouds! How do you think nurses and M.d.'s speak of you? The same way you speak of EMT's. Also, if you are busy pointing out EMT's shortcomings you obviously think you have " arrived" and are no longer learning , and guess what.....YOU are putting people in danger with your know all attitude. Not the EMT. If your EMT is lacking, help them. DOnt come here and talk about how dumb they are.

I understand your feelings but try to consider a paramedics point of view. In paramedic school, they teach you to be a leader. Paramedics are in charge of patient care. It's not a democracy, one man/woman is in charge. Everyone else including the emt-b, firefighters, police, nurses, bystanders, cna, PA, social worker, and President of the United States, is an assistant to the paramedic in charge. The one rare exception occurs when an MD takes over patient care, but I have not yet seen this happen in the field. If you don't like taking orders from paramedics, you have one of two choices. Either quit, or become a paramedic like I did.

My best friend is a paramedic - and he's not the "I own you" type. You gotta remember that paramedics are people too. They're human, they feel emotions like stress, and sometimes, it gets the better of them. That doesn't make them horrible people.

Think about this - you're one person. You're caring for a child who's not breathing after some traumatic accident and you've got Mom, Dad, and a bunch of bystanders screaming at you to "DO SOMETHING!!" And then you've got your basics, first responders, firefighters, cops, etc all there asking what they can do. It's stressful and you've got to get everyone where they need to be in order to care for your patient. You don't really have the time to sit down with each individual and say " I would like you to please do this, this, and this..."
If paramedics save lives and EMTs save paramedics, how is it that I always have to put the patient on 02 and take my own BP while the EMTs are telling me they'll help me out and set up my IV, put on the monitor or ask the patient how many years ago did you have that hang nail while I'm listening to lung sounds?

Wow thats on long run on sentence.

There's attitude on both sides of the issue. Get over it I did.
If paramedics save lives and EMTs save paramedics, how is it that I always have to put the patient on 02 and take my own BP while the EMTs are telling me they'll help me out and set up my IV, put on the monitor or ask the patient how many years ago did you have that hang nail while I'm listening to lung sounds?

Wow thats on long run on sentence.

There's attitude on both sides of the issue. Get over it I did.

You let your emts talk to the pt?...LOL
It really depends on the person more than their certification level or anything else. I work in a fairly large city as a paramedic with cutting edge protocols, all on standing order. Yet, one of the best ems providers I've ever met is an emt-b in a small podunk fire department out in a rural part of the state.
OK, rather than sitting here and complaining, do something about it. If you work with a medic whose ego is through the roof while their skills are mediocre at best, call them out on it. I work with some of the best medics I've ever met, and I have a great deal of respect for them. And I've gained their respect by keeping my standards for myself and for my coworkers high. I'm not afraid to call anyone out when a mistake is made, because they need to be identified and corrected. I'm also not afraid to talk back to a medic who thinks that I have no idea what I'm talking about (especially when they don't know what they're talking about.) You know why I'm not afraid? Because I do know what I'm talking about. And I pick my battles, I'm not going to go around and nit-pick every single little thing someone does.

And as to your nurse and MD comment, watch where you go with that one. You're making what they say valid by using it as an example. If an MD is going to say "you're not good enough because you're an EMT/medic" I'll look right back at them and say "then you get your *** on a truck and get in the field." I've done it before, I'll do it again.

Also, please do not come in here and bash our medics. These guys and gals are wonderful and you will learn a lot from them if you try.

Oh, and one last thing, correlation does not equal causation: all paragods are paramedics, but not all paramedics are paragods. Please don't confuse the two.
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If paramedics save lives and EMTs save paramedics, how is it that I always have to put the patient on 02 and take my own BP while the EMTs are telling me they'll help me out and set up my IV, put on the monitor or ask the patient how many years ago did you have that hang nail while I'm listening to lung sounds?

Wow thats on long run on sentence.

There's attitude on both sides of the issue. Get over it I did.

I'll definatly agree with that.
In any career area there are going to be the "know it alls". In the medical field, those that have been trained to make the decisions better have a lot of confidence and with that sometimes comes a big ego. Whatever happened to tick you off, either find a way to resolve it or let it go. I have worked in clinical, hospital and research settings around MD's/PHD (from many cultures) and many of them can be total jerks and unaware of any social manners. Others were great and fun to work with.
Don't single out medics. Many are so willing to help and have great respect for the EMT's working with them. Some are a**holes. I know it feels good to vent and it's ok to challenge, but I would pick my battles carefully.

I hate the stereotypes more then anything saying all paramedics are egotistical is like saying every pitbull bites, every blackman is a criminal, every native American is an Alcoholic...get the point? (Guys Im N.A and to any this is not mant to offend but I needed stereotypes heh) Sterotypes are wrong just because ONE givs you attitude does not make them wrong but consider this a Medic is taught WAY more then a Basic its truth...they have more with their medical protocol then a basic... they are taught leadership. Just because you have ONE bad experiance does that mean all Medics are A$$es?? Saying that is just as stupid as saying just because One Man Murders his wife all men are murderers Just because on woman shoplifts all are theifs and just because one baby colics they all do.I work with a LOT of medics as a matter of fact the last call we had where they showed up they offered me quite a bit of respect and courtesy... My Cousin is a (Was before an accident) a Medic and she gave as much respect as you did....It depends on the person not the rank...some of the guys I hang out with are Medics heh (yanno when they start drinking and getting stupid it makes for AWESOME blackmail the next day I suggest taking a lot of pictures..I sure as hell do rofl)

Why any person in their right or left mind would come on here on a site they KNOW has Medics and begin with that crap is beyond me...looking for trouble? or just bored and deciding to ruffle feathers hmmm???
Unfortunately LuckyDog, it is your type of attitude and ignorance of the EMS system and medical care that produces such behavior from some medics. Yes, it is true and very unfortunate that EMT course is not much more than a first-aid class... period. Don't believe me and want proof then do a comparison of the ARC Advanced First Aid and the Basic EMT Curriculum. Very little in difference, especially since the Basic EMT Curriculum was written not any higher than at the junior high school level.

Now, if you were aware and was truly educated instead of using anecdotal feelings you would be aware that the NHTSA did and does contract out Paramedics. Just as it is now contracted to the National EMS Educators Association (NAEMSE) to develop the new 2008 curriculum's. We as Paramedics are even aware that the current Paramedic Curriculum is a shamble. This society is comprised of all levels, but yes, mostly Paramedics since this is the highest level of the EMS system.

Far as discussing Paramedics from medical peers, such as nurses and physicians, what do you think they say if they talk bad about Paramedics, what we say about basics?

Now, I highly suggest in instead of ranting to possibly channel your energy and anger into something productive such as increasing your education level. Now, please note I did not say "training" which is a total different methodology. I do believe once you do and if you do complete such, your attitude will definitely change with a true understanding of the approach of proper assessment techniques, medical care and treatment regime.

I also find this ironic this is coming from a person in a state that is having problems passing national standard testing examination....

R/r 911
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See what you've done? You've gotten RidRyder's feathers all ruffled!

and Guardian... it's more respectfull to refer to deceased five star generals by their final rank instead one 6 grades down...
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Just a friendly suggestion, perhaps you should have titled your thread with 'vent' or 'rant'. Base your vents on the specifics of an event instead of generalizing and you'll probably get more sympathy and/or empathy.
It appears as though you had a bad experience and needed to blow off some steam. The people on this forum are very understanding, vent instead of accuse and it'll be all right. :)
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