Do all paramedics think they are the know all end all?

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Forum Deputy Chief
Okay, Lucky I will take a turn since Matt closed the original thread before I could get off work in time (BAD should have known I was pulling a 48 and would get here eventually).

Your original post started with:

I have noticed (not like it is hard) that alot of paramedics think they are the " know all,end all" and that emt-b's are pieces of crap

Well as a brand new, not even an EMT yet you would do very well in this business to accept that fact. And understand one other thing: Sure "old medics" (yep, thats you RR) may not know everything there is to know, but you can bet your butt they have forgotten more than you'll learn in that little EMT course your taking.

I am in Medic school now. And let me tell you, those of us that go into our clinical enviroment, shut up and listen to what those Medics are telling us, Yes'sir/No'sir (or ma'am) them, ask questions about what is going on at the appropriate times, and are willing to accept the fact that they know more than us are doing a heck of a lot better than those that are talking back, treating the medics like they are "knowitalls," interrupting the medic, and acting as if they already know the material. One of the EMTs in my class (I'm embarassed to admit his is in my clinical group), was getting some advice on improving his intubation technique from a very expierienced medic and he actually looked at her and told her "Look, I know how to do this." I think we can all guess how well that went over.

I have not had the problem you describe with any of our medics. But then again I treat them with the respect their years of expierience deserves.

You may find your getting that kind of attitude from medics because of how you come across to them. Lets face it, this is an ego driven business. And as an EMT-basic STUDENT you need to realize, you really don't know crap. The Brady Emergency Care book, or whatever text book you guys are using in your class, does a really great job of preparing you to answer 100 questions on a test at the end. It will give you a VERY basic knowledge....a VERY VERY basic knowledge of what to do. There is not a textbook in the world that will prepare you for what to do the first time you are faced with a patient that goes into cardiac arrest while your talking to them, or the first time your the first and only provider on scene of an MCI with multiple trauma alerts, ect.

The only thing that will prepare you for what your about to encounter is expierence. And you will do very well to humble yourself to the old knowitall medics, shut up and listen to what they have to teach you.


Forum Probie
Wow, devoting so much your time given on this earth trying to make yourself fell like a better person than me and being condescending. Hmmmm, you reckon i maybe had the thought cross my mind that the very personality type I originally posted about might respond in this manner, before I even posted? Naaaa,lol. I also never considered this the easiest way to discern between the "I'm better than you" posters and the descent thread-makers. To those of you that tried offere advice....point taken, but this post wasnt designed for you. To all of you that decided to resort to name calling, or with posts of pictures designed to belittle myself....kudos. You are exactly the personality type I posted about. Thank you for being so easily manipulated. I will not post anymore on this topic for I have achieved what I set out to do. Now for those that cannot let it go until they are convinced they have made themselves look on. Thanks for the laughs, lol^_^


Forum Captain
Well said all of you Heh Im speechlss (And that is quite uncommon for a Woman *giggle*)

Lucky you may not be here to "Mak friends" but you joined a forum obviously for interaction and advice, by being a caustic, lacivious vexation you are doing all but gaining people that will take you seriously and ultimately provide relevant information to perhaps sincere may not take us serious but before you become flexible by inserting both feet in Mouth someone a potential employer may have been on this site or may join this site and may recall you....Im not saying its 100percent but its a small world especially on the internet...

rather then eating humble pie and taking a Hint when the other thread was delted you chose to start another advice?you realize the moderators may see this and stunts like this could very well get you banned from this site... Either deal with the comments and "chastizing" that comes with critisim for you bein an your humble pie cry me a river then build me a bridge and get over it....your childish antics are showing you are perhaps not matur enough to handle the profession of EMS because its students and "basics" IF you ever achieve the level that give those of us who study pursue and work a BAD NAME...cant handle the heat? get the Heck out of the kitchen...your sniveling attitude will get you nowhere grow up and move on


Hey, usafmedic45, word of advice. If you want to make a point to Lucky, don't do it by using cheap shots. You're not making your point to anyone. And while some of those are funny, they are highly inappropriate, especially for the forum. A word for the wise, when trying to make a serious point, do so verbally, not graphically.


Forum Deputy Chief
Hey, usafmedic45, word of advice. If you want to make a point to Lucky, don't do it by using cheap shots. You're not making your point to anyone. And while some of those are funny, they are highly inappropriate, especially for the forum. A word for the wise, when trying to make a serious point, do so verbally, not graphically.
I figured I would address him at a level that he would understand, since apparently speaking like an adult to him would result in me being labeled a "meaniehead" just as has happened before by his own admission.

By the way, if I were trying to make a serious point, I would have done so with the written word, but in this case this is little more than the Internet equivalent of pointing and laughing at someone.
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I figured I would address him at a level that he would understand, since apparently speaking like an adult to him would result in me being labeled a "meaniehead" just as has happened before by his own admission.

By the way, if I were trying to make a serious point, I would have done so with the written word, but in this case this is little more than the Internet equivalent of pointing and laughing at someone.

Point well taken.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Okay, now this thread is really closed. Sit down, take a deep breath, and then realize that throwing around insults on the internet was so 1999.

I would like to remind users that we do not accept insulting or attacking other members. Let's all remember that this is the #1 online forum for EMS professionals.

Please do not start another thread :)
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