Difference between a B and a I

mac are more expensive in every catagory. hardware, software, non universal accessories. the whole lot.

sorry, but i can get a machine with at least the same if not more performance for half the price. im not down with paying 1200 bucks for a 700 dollar computer.

But Macs can do so much more!
And they don't crash :D
Not just Mac...Apple

Apple products are pretty darn hard to beat...including Macs. People say 'they're so expensive,' -because you're paying for quality (if you actually look at the computer specs)

The only good Windows (NOT Microsoft) -related product is the Windows Server Suite.
Not just Mac...Apple

Apple products are pretty darn hard to beat...including Macs. People say 'they're so expensive,' -because you're paying for quality (if you actually look at the computer specs)

The only good Windows (NOT Microsoft) -related product is the Windows Server Suite.

Take for instance, the iPod.
Or the Apple TV.
Take for instance, the iPod.
Or the Apple TV.

For me it's the...
Apple TV
Airport Extreme (N-wireless/gigabit router)

and the whole iTunes suite is nice
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I love my Macbook. We just spent around 1200 to have our desktop windows xp, recovered and repaired! The damn thing crashed and took it in they got our info off it that cost us $500 and almost $700 to get it up and running again after three months! I wish I could of talked my husband into an apple desktop instead! After this it will be apple if that ever happens again! I love to be able to turn my mac on and I don't have to wait and wait for CRAP to load and scan!
Since this has turned into a computer debate I'll throw my vote with PC.
Mac, all the way :P
its cuase this topics been brought up many times allready.
PC is better if you like to tinker with your computer.
its cuase this topics been brought up many times allready.
PC is better if you like to tinker with your computer.

Not true under any stretch of the imagination. OS X is based off of FreeBSD Unix, which is extremely powerful and has been around forever. It's the *ultimate* tinker-gnome dream. You can tinker with just about anything, everything and then some. Windows is like a slip and slide whereas OS X is like a 3 mile long waterslide.
My next computer will be a Mac. Buying the refurbished units on their website are cheaper than new and every bit as good. Factor in the price we pay to update that virus software every year, the time it takes to remove all the crap that comes bundled (No I don't want hourly stock tips posted to my desk top), and the annoyance factor of the crashes, update incompatibilities with old programs and error messages, and I think its worth the price.

Mac is a tool, a PC is a toy.
My next computer will be a Mac. Buying the refurbished units on their website are cheaper than new and every bit as good. Factor in the price we pay to update that virus software every year, the time it takes to remove all the crap that comes bundled (No I don't want hourly stock tips posted to my desk top), and the annoyance factor of the crashes, update incompatibilities with old programs and error messages, and I think its worth the price.

Mac is a tool, a PC is a toy.

VERY wise decision, BC. Every study has shown that the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a PC is higher than a Mac due to all and more of the issues you described.

I bought my current MacBook laptop from Apple refurb a year and a half ago. I LOVE it and it works perfectly. I of course for the extended warranty and since I travel a lot I also got computer insurance. Check out www.safeware.com
It'll be fun to watch all of the Mac owners when Mac ownership rises enough to attract the attention of the people who make virsuses. Afterall, make viruses for 90+% of the computer market or less than 10% of the computer market? Easy choice.
It'll be fun to watch all of the Mac owners when Mac ownership rises enough to attract the attention of the people who make virsuses. Afterall, make viruses for 90+% of the computer market or less than 10% of the computer market? Easy choice.

In addition virus writers have said that since OS X is based on Unix, which has been around for a long, long, long time, it is more difficult to write viruses. Not impossible, just more difficult. Several government and private groups have examined the relative security between Windoze and OS X and concluded that OS X is written much more securely, updated more frequently and based on more sound technology.

So, yes, there can be viruses for OS X but it's simply more difficult to make them.
It'll be fun to watch all of the Mac owners when Mac ownership rises enough to attract the attention of the people who make virsuses. Afterall, make viruses for 90+% of the computer market or less than 10% of the computer market? Easy choice.

As much fun as it is for Mac users to watch PC users today?
If you're not stupid with viruses and crap, know how to make your own computer, want to save money, etc...PCs are a great thing.

I have no problems with viruses, crashes, or anything else, and I've had the machine I'm typing on for almost three years now. Got 2 7800s, 4gbs RAM, etc, for almost $1000 even. Back then that was a steal. Of course, I put the crap together and the side stays off of it a lot and there are fans hanging in weird places and...well, you get the point. :rolleyes: I also go nuts with lighting and 4 DVD drives might be a bit much. But I LOVE that.

It's my baby, hardware is cheap (Thanks to resellerratings.), and I can upgrade so easily! Since I love gaming, it's the best place to be. I've used Macs a lot and one of my suitemates is a retarded fanboi. The OSes are great nowadays and the parts are usually good. They're just not for everyone.

I like my colors and gaudy fans and huge assortment of cases. I like to tinker and my room is the OR for my computer. I really enjoy that.

As for aesthetics, I'm not too much of a fan of Apple's stylings. I think a lot of people are, though, and that's great.

Oh, and the Mac vs. PC ads are some of the worst ones I've ever seen.
I have no ill-will toward Macs because I haven't ever owned one. Used them back in school but never bought one myself. It's a personal choice. Much like the style of jeans I like, or why I like one show over another.

My desktop is a custom built (i.e. scrap parts) linux machine, Wife's laptop is Vista. Next month I am going to buy a high-end laptop and it will most likely be Vista.

My choice on the laptop being PC over a Macbook is because I would like a greater array software/games to choose from.

Am I worried about worms or viruses (Virii?), No. If I do get one, I know how to handle it without paying someone hundreds of dollars to fix it for me(I worked in IT before my jump to EMS)
Why don't we change the name of the thread, "Difference between a Mac and a PC" or "Why Macs are better"
My desktop is a custom built (i.e. scrap parts) linux machine

What version of linux are you using?