Great info! I too have started the health-nut-psycho trend and I'm dragging my husband along with me. And the kids, (but they've always had a taste for the healthier food.) You put a salad in front of my 5 year old son and you'd think you just gave him ice cream. Weird little boy

Anyway, I have this great diet. And I SWEAR it works everytime. You have to work your way into it, but it works, I promise. I just cut out the junk food and soda and start off exercising 3x's a week and work my way up to 5 x's a week. It's great! And it works!!!
I get SO tired of seeing all these quick-weight loss schemes and fast diets and for God's sake the pills....I can't stand it. ANY doctor will tell everyone the only way to lose weight is to eat sensibly (a piece of chocolate cake is ok...the whole cake...not ok) and to get off the couch and move around. I've had my times where I got lazy and put on a few pounds but I hate being tired and feeling like crap so I reverse it with good old common sense. Also, the no carb diet, very bad...any biologist will tell you that, there's some reprecussions to that diet that can be very damaging.
Anyway, I'm not ragging on anybody who has a "great diet" if it works for you....Wonderful, but there are no quick ways out of it. Hard work and diligence are the only things that will get us anywhere in anything. And really is it worth it if you didn't have to work for it? Where's the sense of accomplishment in that?
Ok, so I'm just ranting usual. <_< I just started a calestenics regimin (husband puts me through his training exercises...ouch) and it really helped(s) with the occasional withdrawl crap, it's a blessing and I'm getting back in shape after the last year of being laid up.
Everyone should take a multi vitamen even if you do et right, foods aren't as good as they used to be, When I actually remember I take a centrum and an extra potassium vitamen a day.
And for the gals (and maybe the guys too

) I bought the Carmen Electra "aerobic" workout. Freaking awesome. Do it every day. It took a bit to get used to and it uses every damn muscle in your body, Best workout I've had in years, definitly worth the money.
Ok I think I'm done. :wacko: B)
Edit: Not done...2 cheap good meals...anything with chicken and veggies....and homemade chili but use turkey instead of the beef if you're cutting down on red meat.