Dear male EMT students,

I remember evaluating a student who was so nervous assessing his rather mammary gland endowed female patient (class scenario)....that he took his stethoscope and said he was going to listen to her breast sounds....the red in his face and the fluster in his tone after that was hilarious.
Ha ha! Thats hilarious!
A couple of semesters ago teaching for the EMT program, I just had a group do a trauma assessment and backboard. After they were done I asked them to unstrap the student from the board and they all started. We use the D-rings to strap in my area and the student on the board was wearing a D-ring style belt.

the female student started to undo the D-rings and without noticing she undid his belt also. Yep, I never let her forget about that.
On another note: Got to see some severe lacerations, amputations, gunshot wounds, and the apogee- degloving. Also saw some serious child abuse. Wow. What are your guys' stories?
On another note: Got to see some severe lacerations, amputations, gunshot wounds, and the apogee- degloving. Also saw some serious child abuse. Wow. What are your guys' stories?
Clinicals at a trauma center?
Buzzkill...I thought we were talking about boobs and stuff.

For real. Growing, growing, growing, gone.

My EMT class was a real sausage fest. 3 girls of 25 I believe, and no female instructors. That said, priapism was the joke of trauma assessment.

My favorite line from class was out in the parking lot practicing extrication technique when one of the instructors turned to observe a nursing student walking out of an adjacent building, mumbling too loudly, "I'd intubate that".
Sorry. End of conversation I guess.
So sternum assessments- harder to do on your classmates/labmates or your pts?
I had a young male classmate spring an erection while 3 females (me included) were practicing patient assessments on him. Poor kid was strapped to a backboard too :oops:
I had a young male classmate spring an erection while 3 females (me included) were practicing patient assessments on him. Poor kid was strapped to a backboard too :oops: wouldn't believe the concentration it takes not to when nearly your whole class is girls. Almost every group I was in was with the girls having difficulty doing trauma assessments, you would not believe how many times I was strapped to those boards....girls girls girls....haha. wouldn't believe the concentration it takes not to when nearly your whole class is girls. Almost every group I was in was with the girls having difficulty doing trauma assessments, you would not believe how many times I was strapped to those boards....girls girls girls....haha.

Lol Kyle, is that you?