Creative suctioning


Forum Asst. Chief
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Went out for an unconscious, and ended up with a respiratory arrest and the chunkiest vomit I've ever had. And the best part was it just kept coming. Kept clogging the yankauer suction and we and the ER had little to no success suctioning. They ended up just RSI'ing thru it on the 4th try. I was just wondering if anyone has had better success with some other more creative means of suctioning such chunky goodness.
Just a thought, but what about taking the yaunker off and cutting the hose just after the adapter? Would need to ramp up the suction, but now you have a bigger opening.
Have your service stock the "big yank". Works wonders.
Just a thought, but what about taking the yaunker off and cutting the hose just after the adapter? Would need to ramp up the suction, but now you have a bigger opening.

This. You could probably even MacGyver it and cut a little hole in the tubing in order to control the suction with the touch of a finger if the situation permits.
I've used the merconiun aspiratior with a hacked down ET tube. Also, a great way to make chunks more suckable is to add saline. Use a 10cc flush to add some liquid and suddenly the muck becomes less viscous and easier to Hoover.
As above, sometimes saline helps. Also, multiple suction units if possible.