Covering Tattoos

Okay, since my actual job interviews arent for a while yet, I decided to try some of the redmedies and corrective measures found on the net. Since I am sure that there are probably others on this site looking for similar information, I'm going to keep you posted on the things that work, and those that don't.


This simply invo0lves covering the tattooed area with red lipcolor/lip gloss (nothing glittery), and applying layers of concealer on top. No idea who thought it up.


CONCLUSION: Maybe for someone with darker skin, but definatly not for me. My skins to light. Worked wonderfully except for the fact that it was painfully obvious. But covered well, saw virtually no ink, that was of course until the makeup started rubbing off, which was almost immediatly
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The ink itself is painfully obvious with your make up.
Stewart, if you're really going to try makeup (baaaaaad idea) spend the money for Ben Nye Tattoo Cover. You can get it on the internet, or from a GOOD costume shop. (I am in no way affiliated with Ben Nye, just a satisfied customer, having used them to cover my ink for my wedding). It will still be painfully obvious that you've got makeup on, but, it'll cover better, and will last slightly longer.
oh dear...

I want full sleeves so I think summers will be pretty rough for me but its worth it if I can help someone out ^_^ or I should move to Alaska :P
I want full sleeves so I think summers will be pretty rough for me but its worth it if I can help someone out ^_^ or I should move to Alaska :P

or rethink your career choice or just not get the tats.
We just wear long sleeve jumpsuits, and I always wear my wildland jacket to cover the tat on my forarm. My summers hit 115, but I made the choice to get tha tat, and after a few times in the heat you get used to long sleeves. (plus just helps a little to protect from p/t contact).
There are medics around here that have full sleeves, that don't cover them up. (Not sure if they are required to or not, but either way, they don't.)
hmm never knew that tolerance was unprofessional

Not requiring one to cover visible tattoos is NOT tolerance.

Let's say someone's got a swastika and "White Power" tattooed on their forearm. Lets even say, for argument that they don't follow the life anymore, they just never had it removed, because laser removal is expensive.

Let's also say this person's partner has a very elaborate Middle Ages style cross at the same place.

Where I work, the former would get shot if his/her ink ever became visible. In the situation I spun, he probably would cover on his own, but, that's not the point.

Would you, as a health and safety, or public relations officer ONLY require the first to cover? Or, is it better to just require everyone to....

It's not tolerance, it's equality, it's not allowing one to be subjective in who covers and who doesn't.

BTW, Creative, I've said it before, I'll say it again. I DO have ink, and it IS covered at work, and would be even if I wasn't required to.
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hmm never knew that tolerance was unprofessional

Tolerance?? An agency has every right to choose how it will be represented. It's not tolerance or bigotry, it's them projecting the image they'd like to project.

You don't like it, don't work there.

Express yourself on your own time.
I have lots of tattoos none are visible though. When I worked in El Paso on a truck they didn't care if it was visible so long as it wasn't vulgar, When I worked on a truck in Tucson they didn't care if you had one or two but if you had sleeves expect not to get hired. When i worked in the hospital in Tucson they did not want any tattoos visible as a matter of fact I have a friend who has one small tattoo on his fore arm and he has to wear long sleeves year round. As a side note it does not get 120 in Redlands, Ca... maybe 110 on the hottest day of the year...
I have a tattoo, it's on my hip. In order to see it in a professional setting it I'd have to be running around work pantless.
Pics or stfu. ;)
Not pics of you running around work pantless, you haven't! :D