Kip Teitsort, Founder
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Come on teachers……teach…..
I have noticed while reading and posting on EMS forums around the web more often than not there is an attitude with a lot of the posters. These people with the attitude complain about EMS not being respected as a profession, yet fail to show respect for each other. For the sake of this post I will refer to them as keyboard bullies (KB).
(Now I see this less on EMTlife than anywhere else on the web)
It seems although the KB may possess an incredible amount of patient- medical care information, they lack the skills to interact with many people in the online community. The KB is quick to attack any person new to the EMS arena. The KB wishes to prove they are smarter than everyone else on a forum. There is sarcasm is nearly every post where a person may ask a legitimate information seeking question or type about a call they had. Instead of offering advice in a civilized manner, threads get locked because of personal attacks. Is this type of attitude an extension of their real-world persona?
Come on teachers……teach…..
Even I have experienced it when I offer a professional opinion to a self-defense for EMS question. It humors me when the KB will jump in and speak to how they “will do whatever it takes to go home” and throw advice to the masses without having the credentials to back it up. The KB will make references to “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six” not realizing all assaults on EMS do not result in deadly force encounters. Many of these encounters, while not life threatening, have been career ending. Because "Preparing to protect yourself does not equate to preparing to harm someone".
Come on teachers……teach…..
What the KB does not consider is the person who uses the internet to gain information. When a person reads about an EMS provider using dangerous and sometimes illegal tactics or techniques to control an “uncooperative patient” they may not be able to differentiate “machismo” from reality.
Come on teachers……teach…..
It is almost like the KB feels threatened by anyone who has an opinion different from theirs. Although I have experience teaching all levels of EMS core content…… I am far from being as smart as the instructors that taught me. So I offer what I can in the areas of patient care. The area I am a subject matter expert in is self-defense/defensive tactics specifically for EMS/Fire and the healthcare provider. It is in this area I spend my time trying to help as many as I can.
The KB, usually unaware of my background or expertise, is quick to try and quell any advice I offer making comments on how EMS/Fire or the healthcare provider does not need specific training for self-protection. This uneducated response reflects the KB is unaware of the NAEMT, CDC, OSHA and Dr. Brian Maguire’s studies on the subject. The KB is also unaware of the new Firefighter Safety Initiative that is specific to the realm of self-defense. Just because the KB has not experienced an assault they believe it does not happen to anyone, anywhere.
Come on teachers……teach…..
The KB assumes that what we teach in our Escaping Violent Encounters course must be some form of MMA or military combatives training staff to “kill a man in three moves”. The attitude of many has been changed once they have seen what our courses teach people. They quickly become our best form of advertisement. Usually their course eval reads something like “I thought this was going to be another class teaching staff how to fight, man was I wrong….” Then there is a comment about how “everyone should have this training”.
What many of the KB don’t know is for the first decade I did this……. I heard it all. Many refused to acknowledge the need for training. They made all kinds of condescending comments about me and what I was trying to do. Well, for the past 4 years…….. that has all changed. Now I get phone calls from educators and administrators across the country regarding our courses. We have several EMS training institutions making our courses a part of their curriculum in order to graduate. We have had 7 published articles, presented even at the national EMS level and are considered a subject matter expert.
So, KB’s I ask……… I have the background, experience and expertise to say “why EMS should train” for scene safety, what is your argument for why they should not?
My goal is to change minds; it is not “part of the job” to be assaulted. It is OK to defend yourself if attacked. The attack must be reported and documented for the legal process to take its course.
If the KB’s are all about education requirements for EMS…….what makes their view different from mine? There shouldn’t be an attitude………we are on the same team.
KB… I implore you…. If you are the expert in any area, lead and I will follow. We want to learn. Push and it only brings confrontation.
If we are trying to improve the breed, get respect as a profession………Come on teachers……teach…..
I have noticed while reading and posting on EMS forums around the web more often than not there is an attitude with a lot of the posters. These people with the attitude complain about EMS not being respected as a profession, yet fail to show respect for each other. For the sake of this post I will refer to them as keyboard bullies (KB).
(Now I see this less on EMTlife than anywhere else on the web)
It seems although the KB may possess an incredible amount of patient- medical care information, they lack the skills to interact with many people in the online community. The KB is quick to attack any person new to the EMS arena. The KB wishes to prove they are smarter than everyone else on a forum. There is sarcasm is nearly every post where a person may ask a legitimate information seeking question or type about a call they had. Instead of offering advice in a civilized manner, threads get locked because of personal attacks. Is this type of attitude an extension of their real-world persona?
Come on teachers……teach…..
Even I have experienced it when I offer a professional opinion to a self-defense for EMS question. It humors me when the KB will jump in and speak to how they “will do whatever it takes to go home” and throw advice to the masses without having the credentials to back it up. The KB will make references to “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six” not realizing all assaults on EMS do not result in deadly force encounters. Many of these encounters, while not life threatening, have been career ending. Because "Preparing to protect yourself does not equate to preparing to harm someone".
Come on teachers……teach…..
What the KB does not consider is the person who uses the internet to gain information. When a person reads about an EMS provider using dangerous and sometimes illegal tactics or techniques to control an “uncooperative patient” they may not be able to differentiate “machismo” from reality.
Come on teachers……teach…..
It is almost like the KB feels threatened by anyone who has an opinion different from theirs. Although I have experience teaching all levels of EMS core content…… I am far from being as smart as the instructors that taught me. So I offer what I can in the areas of patient care. The area I am a subject matter expert in is self-defense/defensive tactics specifically for EMS/Fire and the healthcare provider. It is in this area I spend my time trying to help as many as I can.
The KB, usually unaware of my background or expertise, is quick to try and quell any advice I offer making comments on how EMS/Fire or the healthcare provider does not need specific training for self-protection. This uneducated response reflects the KB is unaware of the NAEMT, CDC, OSHA and Dr. Brian Maguire’s studies on the subject. The KB is also unaware of the new Firefighter Safety Initiative that is specific to the realm of self-defense. Just because the KB has not experienced an assault they believe it does not happen to anyone, anywhere.
Come on teachers……teach…..
The KB assumes that what we teach in our Escaping Violent Encounters course must be some form of MMA or military combatives training staff to “kill a man in three moves”. The attitude of many has been changed once they have seen what our courses teach people. They quickly become our best form of advertisement. Usually their course eval reads something like “I thought this was going to be another class teaching staff how to fight, man was I wrong….” Then there is a comment about how “everyone should have this training”.
What many of the KB don’t know is for the first decade I did this……. I heard it all. Many refused to acknowledge the need for training. They made all kinds of condescending comments about me and what I was trying to do. Well, for the past 4 years…….. that has all changed. Now I get phone calls from educators and administrators across the country regarding our courses. We have several EMS training institutions making our courses a part of their curriculum in order to graduate. We have had 7 published articles, presented even at the national EMS level and are considered a subject matter expert.
So, KB’s I ask……… I have the background, experience and expertise to say “why EMS should train” for scene safety, what is your argument for why they should not?
My goal is to change minds; it is not “part of the job” to be assaulted. It is OK to defend yourself if attacked. The attack must be reported and documented for the legal process to take its course.
If the KB’s are all about education requirements for EMS…….what makes their view different from mine? There shouldn’t be an attitude………we are on the same team.
KB… I implore you…. If you are the expert in any area, lead and I will follow. We want to learn. Push and it only brings confrontation.
If we are trying to improve the breed, get respect as a profession………Come on teachers……teach…..