Colorado EMT Hiring

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Zoreanux, do you know who your instructor is yet? Is it Ginger Flynn? She was my instructor and I thought she was great. I haven't really heard any bad things about other instructors but I can tell you from my experience that she is a great teacher and you'll have fun in her class. Just wait until she runs around the room screaming bloody murder as a psych pt and you literally have to tie her to a stretcher haha good times

Make sure when you graduate you get your IV cert. You can get it through PPCC once you are done and have your state cert. Beleive it or not everybody seems to put it off when they get out of EMT-B and it will help you tremendously in getting a job as a basic.
I am in the application process at the moment, I have still yet to do class signup.
I know the basic at PPCC is pretty good. That where I went when I was certified. I know Dale Kuykendal is an instructor there as well as he does the CQ/CE for AMR in the Springs
I know the basic at PPCC is pretty good. That where I went when I was certified. I know Dale Kuykendal is an instructor there as well as he does the CQ/CE for AMR in the Springs

He is also the person that schedules your ride time with AMR as well as the person who signs your EMT card if you are certified in the Plains to Peaks EMS region.
Two different guys, Randy Kuykendal from CDPHE signs all certs regardless of where you work. Unless, that is, you're talking about a school/agency issued card.

Saw a posting on JEMS for Denver Paramedics out of Denver Health the other day, oh how I wish I was done with school...

Woops, should have read the thread before I posted.
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Two different guys, Randy Kuykendal from CDPHE signs all certs regardless of where you work. Unless, that is, you're talking about a school/agency issued card.


Just looked at my card and you are of course correct, that's such a distinctive last name you wouldn't think there would be two in CO EMS.

Sent from my out of area communications device.
They do not have wheelchair or BLS trucks anymore. Nor do they hire EMTs anymore, and they haven't for almost a year. They still have EMTs on staff but most are going through paramedic school.
I will still maintain that AMR springs is where you want to be and you should focus your efforts there. AMR also pays the best out of all the privates (that isn't saying much but it's better than a hole in the head).

True and not true. We hire basics for the VST program. They may have a chance to work a split car, but that's getting thinner and thinner. We've had a few go from being a VST to p-school and do very well. After p-school - if you were not a tool in p-school - you have a shot at a medic job. So mostly true, with exceptions.

Just looked at my card and you are of course correct, that's such a distinctive last name you wouldn't think there would be two in CO EMS.

Sent from my out of area communications device.

Ironically they are both from New Mexico as well.I believe Randy is Dale's father. When I had called the state about my background, the investigator I spoke to had told me they were related.
Hey everyone. I'm new


What's up, everybody. I was browsing through the forum(as a guest) until I found this thread. Lemme tell you guys about myself.

23 Y.O.
NYS Certified EMT(Trashing that as soon as I leave that hell hole)
Been working for a year( F++king Slave wages)
B.S. In Bio( Minor in Psych)
Planning on taking an Accelerated course in IN(Pelham Training)

I am planning on Moving to CO( My brother lives in Canon City, and works as a nurse) and I wanted to know how progressive is CO in their EMS Service. EMTs get paid :censored::censored::censored::censored:, unless they're Working for FDNY, or Transcare. I wanna move to CO, because of from what I understand there are more opportunities, to progress as an EMT, and EMS is a respected system. My Brother, also, a NYS certed EMT, just finished his RN @ PCC. I've visited him plenty and I've honestly enjoyed my stay in CO.

What I am getting at is this. I am planning on taking my NREMT, and getting certified, in CO. I would like to make friends with ppls from CO( preferably Pueblo County(It doesn't matter) to show me the rops on how things are ran in CO, and How I can better my chances of securing a job out there. Now I aint leaving for a bit( have to save money, to ensure that I am alright for a few months), so please HMU via PM. I'll give you guys my BBM, Phone, and my Carrier Pidgeon call.

Thanks PPLS

where are you doing your class at???? and second quesiton where in colorado do you want to work.. western slope or denver side??
Capitol city is under new managment and is good company now we have new air condision on ambulance and we run many 911 calls
Thread closed. Bringing back a two year old thread simply to post about new air conditioning is unwarranted.
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