College Class Hours?

Requirements for EMT recertification and paramedic recertification is different.

The relevent direct quotes are...

The following are maximum hours per course that
can be applied towards Additional EMS Related
Continuing Education hours:
• A maximum number of 24 hours can be applied
from any one topic area


College Courses
Hour for hour credit can be applied for college
courses that relate to your role as an EMS
professional (for example, but not limited
to, anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry,
pharmacology, psychology, sociology, statistics,

Ya, I think the confusion (for me anyway) was what the NREMT website states and what the new brochures state. The brochures are a little clearer, as opposed to the website which is stating something more vague which could be construed in another way.
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This seems to be partially settled, but I thought I would add this in there for posterity's sake since I called them about this. Their response is that college hours count for any hour that your butt is in the seat. That is to say, for a 3 credit hour class that meets 2x a week for 10 weeks, you get 20 hours provided you showed up to each class. If you skipped a class, then you only get 19. They concede that there is no way for them to know if you skipped a class, but it's honor system in that respect. The maximum for any subject area is 24 hours, but that is vague because does renal physiology count as different than say cardiac physiology? Or is that all "physiology"?

Anyways, we'll see what they say. I submitted hundreds of hours of CEUs just in case some of them get rejected for being too similar. I figured that with a couple hundred of them, they can find 48 hours that meet their requirements! :)
lol, I always just give them the exact amount of hours they want, nothing more nothing less. Keep it simple. If they audit me or reject some, then Ill blow the dust off the folder I throw all this crap in. However, everything I submitted was CECBEMS approved except for a psychology class, I just included my transcripts for that with the class highlighted.
This seems to be partially settled, but I thought I would add this in there for posterity's sake since I called them about this. Their response is that college hours count for any hour that your butt is in the seat. ... The maximum for any subject area is 24 hours, but that is vague because does renal physiology count as different than say cardiac physiology? Or is that all "physiology"?

Anyways, we'll see what they say. I submitted hundreds of hours of CEUs just in case some of them get rejected for being too similar. I figured that with a couple hundred of them, they can find 48 hours that meet their requirements! :)

I put everything in until I get tired of entering it... I figure they won't bother me with an audit if they realize they could throw out 80% and I still have more than enough CE.

But, depending how they interpret the above, one could recert with an EMT Refresher and a 4cr Anatomy Class. If they went by the strict 24hr limit, an EMT Refresher, a 4cr Anatomy Class and a 4cr Physiology Class would suffice. This seems fine to me in a professional sense.