This brings back many many memories of having to deal with the fruits of the gastrointestinal system. Having to deal with the digestive leftovers is not enjoyable, and if you are weak... you are weak. You will vomit with the best of us.
Many moons ago, I show up on a scene in an apartment complex, the BLS crew is standing outside the door, the fire guys are gladly leading us up to the second floor.... before I get a chance to get in the door, one of the EMTs advise me that they believe that the person is not hurt, and that it was definitely an ALS call.
Well..... I turn the corner and sure enough, there was an elderly person lying on the floor with the ensure blues. Mudbutt trails leading from the hallway to the phone in the living room. It clicked.... those BLS :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:s. My crew and I look down from the breezeway.. the BLS crew and fire guys on their way to the rigs... "Forcible entry done... bye".
I say "Thanks" loudly as I wave 'bye' with my middle finger..... they are gonna get theirs..... ( and they did that night..... as a few of my cardinal rules of EMS include don't funk with the ALS crews.... another is don't jump a call out of your due, you may regret it ).... they got theirs... ehh ehh - nother story. We all come from the same station anyway, attitudes channel thru midnight revenge in the bunks with fun and learning...
Needless to say, we cleaned this guy up.... and transported him without further issue. No doubt he was embarrassed and ashamed of his situation, and there is no worse feeling when you are all alone, and have a bubble-gutz situation that blevied from the crack, and no one will help. Just imagine medical pros standing around with that disgust look on your faces.... just staring.... not moving, no action... the silence in the air as that sick person ( who is fully alert ) is begging for help silently....
I'm not gonna sit there.... some folks have made their minds up outside the door not to cross that threshold. That there separates the weak from the strong. This scenario is acceptable and well within our training and scope.... but we do have our down days.... someone has to do it.
( p.s. It gets easier if you do happen to hurl..... whatever you do... don't try to swallow your puke back down.... it will backfire ) no pun intended