So I just got my CCP-C.
I agree with
@NPO re: IA MED over FBE. I’ve studying both, and used both. IA MED trumps Eric’s stuff currently. I fear FBE is moving in another way especially after selling to Lifelink Network, but we’ll see...
I like Eric too, he’s super smart, but to me, the FBE has gone in a different direction that my simple FP brain doesn’t jibe with. Kinda like Wingfield to me, I could never get into his stuff, though I know people (both nurses and paramedics) who swear by it.
As far as the exam content, same but different. Yes there are more clinical questions than on the FP-C. Yes there are CAMTS and maybe 1-2 Haddon’s Matrix questions (FWIW, I never learned this in EMT class). But I wouldn’t categorize one harder than the other.
Will I be that guy who puts both certs on my flight patch? Yes. Does it make a difference in my career, both past and/ or present? Highly unlikely.
Honestly I did it because why the hell not. Because it gave me one more excuse to focus on clinical education content over school. I’m really running out of excuses BTW.
And, I also got it because I wanted to be the first paramedic at my program to show it can be done by an average—at best—learner. Setting the bar has to start somewhere, but it isn’t with these exams.
I agree with the spudster about neither cert being education. The content that gets you there certainly is, but the exams themselves hardly are. Also,
@PotatoMedic shout out to you for the Creighton shoutout- twas an actual educational course.
Anyhow, in the grand scheme of things it’s up to the individual how wonky they want to get with letters behind their names. How much doe they want to feed into the IBSC/ ASTNA/ CAMTS machines.