CCPP-C/TP-C Review material Suggestions


Forum Probie
If anyone's got has good material they'ed recommend for a successful pass in either, I'd appreciate it. Have my FP-C, looking to get these two now. I'm hearing the CCP-C is a bit more difficult so any help is welcomed.

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Forum Probie


Forum Deputy Chief
For sure.
I'll look into it. Anything else?
I was surprisingly disappointed in FlightBridgeED. Don't get me wrong, Eric is a smart guy, and I've listened to his podcast for years. But the quality the FBE online program compared to IA Med was laughable. Perhaps the FBE seated course is better. I signed up for IA Med after I paid for FBE online and was disappointed.


Forum Probie
yeah, I recerted my FPC through FBE. Not exactly geared towards these tests. More along the lines of general cct info

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
If anyone's got has good material they'ed recommend for a successful pass in either, I'd appreciate it. Have my FP-C, looking to get these two now. I'm hearing the CCP-C is a bit more difficult so any help is welcomed.

How much actual time have you spent taking care of critical care patients?

Not that it's necessarily relevant to the exam process in question; I am just curious.
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Forum Probie
How much actual time have you spent taking care of critical care patients?

Not that it's necessarily relevant to the exam process in question; I am just curious.

Not as much as I'd like.
Hopefully 2 CC certs will change that.


Forum Deputy Chief
For what it's worth, I too have limited experience in critical care. Maybe 2 or 3 years as a CC-EMT on a ground unit, and 3 years as a medic in a system that does critical care transports. I do maybe 5 or 6 critical care transports per month.


Forum Probie
For what it's worth, I too have limited experience in critical care. Maybe 2 or 3 years as a CC-EMT on a ground unit, and 3 years as a medic in a system that does critical care transports. I do maybe 5 or 6 critical care transports per month.

It's all good man. I was in the same boat till I got picked up by fire. Now I'm dead in the water but I brush up on occasion and my experience will improve with time and education. Like to think the cert. will help.


Forum Probie
So how much, though?

And how will the 2 CC certs change it?

Again, just curious.

As I said, not enough. The conversation between NPO and myself should give you an idea.

Same way two certs would help anyone else I'd think. Lol


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I have my FP-C. There is no way I'd test for my CCP-C as they are near equivalent from what I know. Also they are dam expensive. And if I ever get to fly seriously I know my FP-C is what is desired where I don't know of a ground agency that won't take an FP-C if a critical care cert is requested.

But what do I know. I just think it is redundant to have both outside the mental challenge.


Forum Probie
I have my FP-C. There is no way I'd test for my CCP-C as they are near equivalent from what I know. Also they are dam expensive. And if I ever get to fly seriously I know my FP-C is what is desired where I don't know of a ground agency that won't take an FP-C if a critical care cert is requested.

But what do I know. I just think it is redundant to have both outside the mental challenge.

They may be near but definitely not the same. I know for a fact CCP-C is harder. The sample questions are not at all like the FPC. Different caliber of test measuring different aspects of txp and tx. If it were the same, IBSC wouldn't have both. It may seem pointless but it could be the one thing that seperates you from others is the way I see it. I don't believe in just getting by....not that I'm saying you are...just saying that's the standard I hold myself to. If I can afford it and can do it, I'm going to.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
They may be near but definitely not the same. I know for a fact CCP-C is harder. The sample questions are not at all like the FPC. Different caliber of test measuring different aspects of txp and tx. If it were the same, IBSC wouldn't have both. It may seem pointless but it could be the one thing that seperates you from others is the way I see it. I don't believe in just getting by....not that I'm saying you are...just saying that's the standard I hold myself to. If I can afford it and can do it, I'm going to.
I'm more saying career wise I know of no benefit to holding both.


Forum Probie
I'm more saying career wise I know of no benefit to holding both.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion. I don't feel the same. Everything matters in this field. No where is this notion more important than in the world of crit care. I believe how one approaches their career says everything about them. That includes their education which is what a cert denotes and while it doesn't necessary determine intelligence, it can be used as a marker. Having this perspective in mind, I always find myself asking "why wouldn't you do it"? But like I said, that's just me.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion. I don't feel the same. Everything matters in this field. No where is this notion more important than in the world of crit care. I believe how one approaches their career says everything about them. That includes their education which is what a cert denotes and while it doesn't necessary determine intelligence, it can be used as a marker. Having this perspective in mind, I always find myself asking "why wouldn't you do it"? But like I said, that's just me.
So what benefit does it have to hold both? Yes one test is harder, and from what I'm told it is mostly due to having more clinical questions. But career progression wise what benefit does it have? I'd rather spend 400 dollars ever 4 years on more education than to renew a cert that is virtually a duplicate of one I already hold. I find education more valuable than letters behind my name.

But again. That is only my opinion. I won't stop you from getting both.


Forum Probie
The benifit is that it show you went the extra mile. It also shows you have a broader education because you've went out of your way to learn more about things like CAMTS, Emtala, and Haddon's Matrix. Often times, career progression boils down to inches when it comes to selecting candidates. I don't know about you but if I was an employer looking to promote someone, and I have 2 fully qualified candidates with virtually the same background, if one of them has 2 certs as oppose to 1, that may very well be the determining factor. Twice again, thats just me.

As for the cost issue, there's a few things to consider:

1. If you're spending 4 bills to recent each cert, you're not doing it right to begin with. I definitely did not pay 4 bills to recet. Also, I think you could use the same CE's for both.

2. Even if it was 4 bills, that's $800 every 4 years depending on the recert times (which probably dont line up every 4 years to begin with). If you can't save up a couple hundred here and there to invest in your future, than maybe your right and you should have 2 certs. That being said, I guarantee you have some kind of habit going on in your life which provides no virtual benifit and costs a couple hundred a year....most people do to include myself (can't put down that Iced caramel macchiato from dunkin).

3. The CCP-C is "education" and is only a "bunch of letters" if you treat it as such. We all know degrees, certs, etc. are really just pretty pieces of paper, but if you apply what you leared while obtaining that paper, than it's purpose has been served. Especially if it helped get you the position you wanted.

Everything in this industry matters and we're folling ourselves if we think otherwise.
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Has no idea what I'm doing.
My apologies. It is 325 every 4 years to recertify each critical care certificate. That is not including any continuing education classes for that, unless you want to just recert by taking the test again. As far as EMTALA, CAMTS, and Haddon's Matrix. EMTALA any BLS EMT (especially one that works for a private transport agency) should know the rules on that that are relevant to any level of ambulance transport. CAMTS I guess had influence on both the tests but I can't say for sure. And Haddon's Matrix I learned in EMT school. I cannot speak for your experiences and won't even begin to speculate on your education regarding those topics, but I don't see how taking the CCP-C would improve my knowledge on any of those three topics.

Point one is already addressed. I misspoke and it's only 325 every 4 years. (225 if you are an iafccp member).

Point 2:. Yes the CE's can work for both. And yes I do have habits that if I stopped could afford me to have a redundant certificate. I just get more out of my little habits than I do out of having a certificate that will provide me no professional benefit.

Point 3:. The CCP-C, FP-C, FP-C or whatever Certificate is not education. It is a certificate that shows I took a test and passed. Yes it shows baseline knowledge but it does not prove I went and became educated from an accredited course. Creighton University's critical care education course is education, where I receive a certificate showing successful completion of education.

Everything does not matter in this field. Things that matter matter. Education matters, not certificates. The push for associate degree medics matter more than if I can get my FP-C and CCP-C. If you want to get both sure go for it. Who am I to tell you not to. But it does not show you know more. Technically (at face value) the FP-C shows you know more than the CCP-C since it requires an understanding of flight physiology.

I know we have a few smart members here that are way more involved in the critical care world than I. I would defer to them as far as the tests, I was just giving my take on them. But as I said before. I know of agencies that won't accept CCP-C and require FP-C only. Where I don't know of any that won't accept FP-C in lieu of CCP-C. That doesn't mean they are not out there. But I don't know of any at this time.

Anyways. I feel like I'm just going in circles. Good luck with the tests! I know you will be proud to have them both complete and commend you on the dedication to take both tests for whatever reason you desire.


Forum Probie
My apologies. It is 325 every 4 years to recertify each critical care certificate. That is not including any continuing education classes for that, unless you want to just recert by taking the test again. As far as EMTALA, CAMTS, and Haddon's Matrix. EMTALA any BLS EMT (especially one that works for a private transport agency) should know the rules on that that are relevant to any level of ambulance transport. CAMTS I guess had influence on both the tests but I can't say for sure. And Haddon's Matrix I learned in EMT school. I cannot speak for your experiences and won't even begin to speculate on your education regarding those topics, but I don't see how taking the CCP-C would improve my knowledge on any of those three topics.

Point one is already addressed. I misspoke and it's only 325 every 4 years. (225 if you are an iafccp member).

Point 2:. Yes the CE's can work for both. And yes I do have habits that if I stopped could afford me to have a redundant certificate. I just get more out of my little habits than I do out of having a certificate that will provide me no professional benefit.

Point 3:. The CCP-C, FP-C, FP-C or whatever Certificate is not education. It is a certificate that shows I took a test and passed. Yes it shows baseline knowledge but it does not prove I went and became educated from an accredited course. Creighton University's critical care education course is education, where I receive a certificate showing successful completion of education.

Everything does not matter in this field. Things that matter matter. Education matters, not certificates. The push for associate degree medics matter more than if I can get my FP-C and CCP-C. If you want to get both sure go for it. Who am I to tell you not to. But it does not show you know more. Technically (at face value) the FP-C shows you know more than the CCP-C since it requires an understanding of flight physiology.

I know we have a few smart members here that are way more involved in the critical care world than I. I would defer to them as far as the tests, I was just giving my take on them. But as I said before. I know of agencies that won't accept CCP-C and require FP-C only. Where I don't know of any that won't accept FP-C in lieu of CCP-C. That doesn't mean they are not out there. But I don't know of any at this time.

Anyways. I feel like I'm just going in circles. Good luck with the tests! I know you will be proud to have them both complete and commend you on the dedication to take both tests for whatever reason you desire.

Well like I said, we can agree to disagree. Don't honestly know how we got here to begin with seeing as my post was on the topic of "study material recommended", not the reasoning behind why I'm trying to get a second cert. At any rate, thanks for stopping by and expressing your feelings regarding my personal decision. I'm sure there are lots who would agree with your statements regarding said topic. Take care


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Well like I said, we can agree to disagree. Don't honestly know how we got here to begin with seeing as my post was on the topic of "study material recommended", not the reasoning behind why I'm trying to get a second cert. At any rate, thanks for stopping by and expressing your feelings regarding my personal decision. I'm sure there are lots who would agree with your statements regarding said topic. Take care

Based on the impressive list of post nominals in your signature, it’s clear why you want both certifications.