Cameras in Ambulances?


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I have thought about this for a long time. With cop cars getting cameras it is just a matter of time before we get them. I am just curious if they will ever put them in the patient compartment?
Here is the story:
I personally think that cameras, much like the dashboard mounted police cameras, in a patient compartment would help out with the number of EMS lawsuits that all the agencies across North America have been facing lately. It would be interesting to see the results, if any, from the pilot project that was written about in this article.
It's just a matter of time before they're in the pt compartment. Right now some of our rigs have them up front (facing both directions).
I wonder how having cameras in the pt compartment would be affected by HIPPA? I am sure there is information out there about it, but I am feeling a bit lazy at the moment and don't feel like looking for it. Not asking anyone to do the research for me, just sort of thinking out loud.
cameras would probably be against Hippa.
this is going to be a problem, I refuse to take vitals every 15 mins (we don't have nibp's)
We have DriveCam brand ones mounted on the windshield below the mirror. They have front and back lenses, and are set off by sudden changes in velocity, and the driver gets yelled at if it's something avoidable.

They have a good view into the rear compartment, though you obviously can't see the patient's faces because they face the other way. There have been times I've yelled for my partner to hit the panic button to start recording to cover my heinie.

There's a movie on the supervisor's computer of me flying around when the ambulance got rear-ended while I was in back with a patient. I now ALWAYS wear a seatbelt in back...
HIPPA only is concern with the release of information regarding health care. There are cameras all the time in treatment rooms of pysch wards, surgery areas, etc..

R/r 911

Rid is correct, and HIPAA doesn't even involve all healthcare providers. HIPAA only applies to health care providers who compile protected health information electronically and bill patients for their services, and their business associates
the article isn't clear... it sounds like the agency might be a dual-role agency, with EMT-P's also being sworn LEO's - because the Sherrif is talking about putting the camera in, and it seems to be a "police-type" camera. (As seen on TV... in "World's Wildest Police Chases 27")

I'm of mixed opinions on cameras in the back of ambulances, the saem as with systemes like DriveCam and RoadSafety. The systems could be used ONLY as a tool for manegment to gather data to punish employees, or they could be used as a way for the providers to be protected in the event of an unjustified lawsuit.
How about the fact that patients might be less willing to tell you things if they are on camera.
How about the fact that patients might be less willing to tell you things if they are on camera.

I agree.

On top of that gathering information from patients is harder. If a call is filmed and the patient admits to illegal drug use or other illegal activities, can that tape be used as evidence? This may keep patientes from giving us pertinent information needed for treatment because they take the 5th amendment. We need to gain medical info and not be prevented be legal issues to get it.
I feel like HAL is watching me........:ph34r:
If a call is filmed and the patient admits to illegal drug use or other illegal activities, can that tape be used as evidence?

Yea try to convince the high patient that the cops are not going to be able to see the tape... or the scared teenager that their parents can't get the tape.

It's hard enough to convince them you won't tell anyone without a camera recording it too.
Or the 5150 patient that absolutely H A T E S the police, but seems to be Ok with you for the time being. Ugh.

I know that cameras have their place, but I'm kind of getting tired of being on camera *all the time* it seems.
I agree.

On top of that gathering information from patients is harder. If a call is filmed and the patient admits to illegal drug use or other illegal activities, can that tape be used as evidence? This may keep patientes from giving us pertinent information needed for treatment because they take the 5th amendment. We need to gain medical info and not be prevented be legal issues to get it.
Well... then you run into HIPPA... and other laws... Is it really any different than what we can do now if we get a statement from the patient?
this is going to be a problem, I refuse to take vitals every 15 mins (we don't have nibp's)
why wouldnt you do vitals every 15 minutes??? thats what you are supposed to do and it could be a difference in life and death...<_<
I believe that if they put cameras anywhere it should be on the dashboard,just like the way the cops have there's set up. It would be a good thing especially if people arent moving out of the way for the ambulance like they should be.
why wouldnt you do vitals every 15 minutes??? thats what you are supposed to do and it could be a difference in life and death...<_<

Cameras are just one more way to control our lives and in this instance, would serve no purpose (especially medical) except to make our lives miserable and be one more bs hoop to jump through. Vital signs every 15 mins?...for 98% of the bs calls I run, I'm lucky to have my emt take 1 full set and then I just make up the rest. I know what some of you are thinking (omg, how could he do that, he's going straight to hell, he'll be sued, etc.). Welcome to the real world. Installing cameras would help to take away all the shortcuts that make life bearable.

Another little thing thats getting to me...I have to program a person's first and last name, incident number, DOB, SSN, and M/F into the LP12 with that stupid little wheel every time I put someone on the darn thing, anyone else have to do this? about irritating.
Another little thing thats getting to me...I have to program a person's first and last name, incident number, DOB, SSN, and M/F into the LP12 with that stupid little wheel every time I put someone on the darn thing, anyone else have to do this? about irritating.

No, thank god! I will if I have to print off the entire run report for the hospital but not for any other reason, I feel for you!:wacko: :P