Still crazy but elsewhere
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"The EMT regulations involved amendments to the basic scope of practice and training standards. Additions to the basic scope of practice include:
Pulse oximetry;
Partial non-rebreathers & venturi masks;
Continuous positive airway pressure;
Tourniquets and hemostatic dressings;
OTC Medications with LEMSA approval;
Paramedics, something for you also:
"The Paramedic regulations underwent significant revisions to the basic and local optional scope of practice, and created a new level of EMS provider: the Critical Care Paramedic.
Additions to the basic scope of practice include:
Utilization and monitoring of electrocardiographic devices;
External cardiac pacing;
Use of perilaryngeal airways;
CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure)/BPAP (Bi-level positive airway pressure)/PEEP (Positive end-expiratory pressure);
Use of intraosseous (IO) needles and catheters;
Use of laboratory devices, including prehospital point of care testing, including glucose, capnometry, capnography, and carbon monoxide when appropriate authorization is obtained from State and Federal agencies;
Performance of nasogastric and orogastric tube insertion and suction;
Additional medications: amiodarone, fentanyl, ipratropium bromide, lorazepam, magnesium sulfate, ondansetron
The following two items were removed from the basic scope and placed into the local optional scope:
Pediatric intubation;
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera..
"The EMT regulations involved amendments to the basic scope of practice and training standards. Additions to the basic scope of practice include:
Pulse oximetry;
Partial non-rebreathers & venturi masks;
Continuous positive airway pressure;
Tourniquets and hemostatic dressings;
OTC Medications with LEMSA approval;
Paramedics, something for you also:
"The Paramedic regulations underwent significant revisions to the basic and local optional scope of practice, and created a new level of EMS provider: the Critical Care Paramedic.
Additions to the basic scope of practice include:
Utilization and monitoring of electrocardiographic devices;
External cardiac pacing;
Use of perilaryngeal airways;
CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure)/BPAP (Bi-level positive airway pressure)/PEEP (Positive end-expiratory pressure);
Use of intraosseous (IO) needles and catheters;
Use of laboratory devices, including prehospital point of care testing, including glucose, capnometry, capnography, and carbon monoxide when appropriate authorization is obtained from State and Federal agencies;
Performance of nasogastric and orogastric tube insertion and suction;
Additional medications: amiodarone, fentanyl, ipratropium bromide, lorazepam, magnesium sulfate, ondansetron
The following two items were removed from the basic scope and placed into the local optional scope:
Pediatric intubation;

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera..
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