@DesertMedic66 said. However, we use the ProPaq’s newer X Series-with-invasive-line-capable version. Same thing though.
Our ground crews are supposed to use the sleeve, but for some reason they don’t/ won’t; same goes for our ground CCT unit. Efficiency is often lost on people, IME.
In all honesty, it seems to make things that much easier to stow away. Confined spaces and their value perhaps help make you see this as an added bonus. Without the sleeve I feel all of the ridiculously long X Series wires just become more entangled than without it.
I do like to bring my SPO2 cable out in the middle of the sleeve as I feel it gives the patients and our equipment more slack.
I may have also managed to sequester a spare sleeve or two for when ours becomes beyond washing after being soiled one too many times.
ETA~ the rest of the cables come off of the top, and I’ll strap the three being fed (ECG, SPO2, and SBP) to the top and bottom ends of the sleeve respectively.