Bludgeoning and sniping.


Still crazy but elsewhere
EMTLIFE sometimes is a real microcosm of life and often most so where, when someone attracts attention or confesses a booboo, they attract a swarm of newbie/armchair veterans, or experienced folks who project their frustration with being second guessed onto the post-er (post-or?) by figuratively kicking them down the virtual stairs and into the simulated street.

Most often it is some sort of parent-child communication resembling the old "What were you thinking?" trap. Or it turns into a technical recital of s/s, c/o, and text references.

As Baron von Munchausen (recognize that name?) on the radio said, "Vas you dere, Charlie? Hmmm?". I'd add that the throne of perfection must be pretty uncomfortable sometimes for the sort of anal-retentive ventilation I read here sometimes. Incomplete emotional and open posts ought not be met with machineguns.

Why not lighten up, show a little sense of humor, share your experiences? If you want to castigate someone, consider sending them an IM instead of showboating to the crowd. :glare:


Forum Deputy Chief
EMTLIFE sometimes is a real microcosm of life and often most so where, when someone attracts attention or confesses a booboo, they attract a swarm of newbie/armchair veterans, or experienced folks who project their frustration with being second guessed onto the post-er (post-or?) by figuratively kicking them down the virtual stairs and into the simulated street.

Most often it is some sort of parent-child communication resembling the old "What were you thinking?" trap. Or it turns into a technical recital of s/s, c/o, and text references.

As Baron von Munchausen (recognize that name?) on the radio said, "Vas you dere, Charlie? Hmmm?". I'd add that the throne of perfection must be pretty uncomfortable sometimes for the sort of anal-retentive ventilation I read here sometimes. Incomplete emotional and open posts ought not be met with machineguns.

Why not lighten up, show a little sense of humor, share your experiences? If you want to castigate someone, consider sending them an IM instead of showboating to the crowd. :glare:

Exactly what I was trying to say yesterday.


Forum Asst. Chief
Whenever you bring people together from different backgrounds that are passionate about something there will be some difference of opinion. Grow some thick skin and read through any derogatory comments, take the lessons you can from it and move on. If you allow comments made on a public internet forum to hurt your feelings you need help.

That said there are certain times that people seem to gang up and point fingers rather than explaining their take on where somebody went wrong. Constructive criticism will lead to a healthier environment.


Forum Deputy Chief
EMTLIFE sometimes is a real microcosm of life and often most so where, when someone attracts attention or confesses a booboo, they attract a swarm of newbie/armchair veterans, or experienced folks who project their frustration with being second guessed onto the post-er (post-or?) by figuratively kicking them down the virtual stairs and into the simulated street.

Most often it is some sort of parent-child communication resembling the old "What were you thinking?" trap. Or it turns into a technical recital of s/s, c/o, and text references.

As Baron von Munchausen (recognize that name?) on the radio said, "Vas you dere, Charlie? Hmmm?". I'd add that the throne of perfection must be pretty uncomfortable sometimes for the sort of anal-retentive ventilation I read here sometimes. Incomplete emotional and open posts ought not be met with machineguns.

Why not lighten up, show a little sense of humor, share your experiences? If you want to castigate someone, consider sending them an IM instead of showboating to the crowd. :glare:
Its not just here mycroft, every internet forum does EXACTLY the same thing as we do here.

Ever visit Student Doctor Network? We hold hands here compared to the fighting that goes on there.


Forum Chief
Its not just here mycroft, every internet forum does EXACTLY the same thing as we do here.

Ever visit Student Doctor Network? We hold hands here compared to the fighting that goes on there.

I could only dream of one day knowing as much as the SDN crowd.


Kip Teitsort, Founder
Actually......... the reason I come tho this forum is because it is much, much less than at other places.

I tip my hat to the moderators/admin here because usually they catch threads that get out of hand.

I do my best to keep "helping" without judging. I like the way most of the people conduct themselves here.



Forum Lieutenant
The veteran site I frequent is notorious for tearing apart wannabes and castrating newbies for saying stupid things. But that game is a little different than this one.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Much better here than elsewhere...

and so it will be... until we let ourselves act the same way. No one comes here to get a thick skin. Just because we are sort of anonymous doesn't mean we can't be civil.

In fact, if there's one phrase bullies use almost universally, it is "get over it". (The other one is "If you tell anyone I'll kill you", but we aren't THAt bad now are we?).;)


Forum Chief
We could hide our heads in the sand and pretend it is a perfect world in the land of EMS or OZ. Some posts may require a sterner response than others. After reading though countless threads about what the patients should do for EMS rather than what EMS should do for the patients, how is one to take some of the posts seriously? We have threads bashing patient after patient who place calls to EMS that are unworthy of an EMT(P)'s time or everything is just BS unless it is a real trauma. Yet, few ever follow up to see what happened to some of those patients to know if they ever lived or died after being dropped at the ED. Too many are quick to judge every patient by their appearance, character or location rather than their complaint. Yet, these same people take offense and cry foul if someone critiques them.

Here in the land of EMS OZ:

Regardless of assessment, if a piece of paper is signed, everyone can go home with no worries.

There are no concerns that your work will ever be scrutinized by your state agency or an attorney about the treatment you did or did not do to a patient.

Your treatment or lack of can do NO harm to the patient.

You can not cause the death of a patient.

There are no attorneys.

People, this is not the Land of OZ! If you can not take having your post discussed critically, then don't post or ask what could have been done differently.

If you don't like my posts, fine with me. However, if I can get one person to study a little more and think for themselves instead of running with the herd, then my posts might be worthwhile to a few. I can and have typed page after page to questions from those that seriously want to learn or be directed to the answer. However, I am not going to sugarcoat things that could cause a patient harm. I am not going to say "you did all you could" just to not hurt your feeling when there actually was a lot more that could have been done.

Geez, you're not working at a car wash where the only damage you could do is scratch a little paint. It is time that some realize what their responsibilities are when they hold a certification or license. They should also know the limitations of their education, training and certification/license.


Ever visit Student Doctor Network? We hold hands here compared to the fighting that goes on there.

Oh God, the MD v DO v Caribbean threads and the URM threads over there are epic. Of course that's also why I stay away from Pre-Allo except for the secondary app threads.


Forum Crew Member
We could hide our heads in the sand and pretend it is a perfect world in the land of EMS or OZ. Some posts may require a sterner response than others. After reading though countless threads about what the patients should do for EMS rather than what EMS should do for the patients, how is one to take some of the posts seriously? We have threads bashing patient after patient who place calls to EMS that are unworthy of an EMT(P)'s time or everything is just BS unless it is a real trauma. Yet, few ever follow up to see what happened to some of those patients to know if they ever lived or died after being dropped at the ED. Too many are quick to judge every patient by their appearance, character or location rather than their complaint. Yet, these same people take offense and cry foul if someone critiques them.

Here in the land of EMS OZ:

Regardless of assessment, if a piece of paper is signed, everyone can go home with no worries.

There are no concerns that your work will ever be scrutinized by your state agency or an attorney about the treatment you did or did not do to a patient.

Your treatment or lack of can do NO harm to the patient.

You can not cause the death of a patient.

There are no attorneys.

People, this is not the Land of OZ! If you can not take having your post discussed critically, then don't post or ask what could have been done differently.

If you don't like my posts, fine with me. However, if I can get one person to study a little more and think for themselves instead of running with the herd, then my posts might be worthwhile to a few. I can and have typed page after page to questions from those that seriously want to learn or be directed to the answer. However, I am not going to sugarcoat things that could cause a patient harm. I am not going to say "you did all you could" just to not hurt your feeling when there actually was a lot more that could have been done.

Geez, you're not working at a car wash where the only damage you could do is scratch a little paint. It is time that some realize what their responsibilities are when they hold a certification or license. They should also know the limitations of their education, training and certification/license.

I agree with your post. This forum is a great place for us as prehospital providers to do "grand rounds" with each other and learn something.

It is one thing to be "critical" about a case and offer different opinions as to TX's. It is a far different thing however to talk down to, or ridicule other providers in the process. Just be civil with each other and hopefully we all can improve ourselves.


Forum Deputy Chief


Forum Deputy Chief
Oh God, the MD v DO v Caribbean threads and the URM threads over there are epic. Of course that's also why I stay away from Pre-Allo except for the secondary app threads.

Pre-allo forum is enough to scare anyone away from med school... all that collective stress could give me an MI


The Truth Provider
Ever visit Student Doctor Network? We hold hands here compared to the fighting that goes on there.

This is the love boat of forums. You are not allowed to give someone the tough love they really need.


The Truth Provider
We could hide our heads in the sand and pretend it is a perfect world in the land of EMS or OZ. Some posts may require a sterner response than others. After reading though countless threads about what the patients should do for EMS rather than what EMS should do for the patients, how is one to take some of the posts seriously? We have threads bashing patient after patient who place calls to EMS that are unworthy of an EMT(P)'s time or everything is just BS unless it is a real trauma. Yet, few ever follow up to see what happened to some of those patients to know if they ever lived or died after being dropped at the ED. Too many are quick to judge every patient by their appearance, character or location rather than their complaint. Yet, these same people take offense and cry foul if someone critiques them.

Here in the land of EMS OZ:

Regardless of assessment, if a piece of paper is signed, everyone can go home with no worries.

There are no concerns that your work will ever be scrutinized by your state agency or an attorney about the treatment you did or did not do to a patient.

Your treatment or lack of can do NO harm to the patient.

You can not cause the death of a patient.

There are no attorneys.

People, this is not the Land of OZ! If you can not take having your post discussed critically, then don't post or ask what could have been done differently.

If you don't like my posts, fine with me. However, if I can get one person to study a little more and think for themselves instead of running with the herd, then my posts might be worthwhile to a few. I can and have typed page after page to questions from those that seriously want to learn or be directed to the answer. However, I am not going to sugarcoat things that could cause a patient harm. I am not going to say "you did all you could" just to not hurt your feeling when there actually was a lot more that could have been done.

Geez, you're not working at a car wash where the only damage you could do is scratch a little paint. It is time that some realize what their responsibilities are when they hold a certification or license. They should also know the limitations of their education, training and certification/license.

Wow much better, honest, and politely said statement than I ever could do. Like your illustration. Medicine is tough and about lives so we must be willing to take a hit when we are doing things wrong.


Forum Deputy Chief
Now can we please discuss the prescribing rights of Podiatrists?


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Welcome to my world....:p

It is sometimes a difficult line for the CL's to walk, determining what is browbeating/sniping, or a genuine effort to educate and improve our profession or even an individual.

The only thing I ask is that if anyone feels a post/thread is out of line, that they report it to the CL team by using the report post icon. One of us will go back through and take a look at the post/thread, and determine if any action needs to be taken.


Still crazy but elsewhere
The real moderators are great but the task is gargantuan and growing.

My thought is maybe we need a category called "Tough Love" or a wading pool called "Newbie Island" or something? (and are some of us perhaps mistaking unilateral "rough intercourse" for "tough love", after a long hard frustrating day?).

Seriously, maybe we need to congratulate our newer "bretheren and sisteren" who are willing to ask questions, instead of taking what is often a useful reply and heading it with the words "Dear ignorant danger-to-society"....Criticize the action or the situation not the poster, and trolls need reporting, period.

Why not let a neurosurgical professor, orthopaedic surgeon, or Endocriniologist in here to give us all a little "tough love"? :wacko:

PS: Speaking for myself, I keep coming back because I'm learning, and able to impart a little experience, and the participants are fun to interact with, especially through IM's. If I thought everyone here was an ogre, I'd have been gone long ago. And please IM me if I'm bothering you.


Forum Lieutenant
WOW deep thoughts and big words from mycroft. Think I need a dictionary to decifer what you have said.^_^