Big cities who have seperate EMS from FD.

Pittsburgh is a municipal third service(Bureau of Fire, Bureau of Police, and Bureau of EMS)

All paramedics, run by paramedic(officers). No EMT's. All 911. No IFT.

EMS does all rescue. Yes. All rescue(Rescue 1 and Rescue 2 staffed by all paramedics).

Fire deals with fire. EMS does everything else, including river rescue.

I don't really know of anywhere else in the country that does this.
That's actually really interesting and news to me! Is that how it's always been in Pittsburgh?
I am looking to try and find bigger cities who either have fire dept. who run seperate EMS like a Kansas City, MO for example. Or a county run EMS system in a larger metro area like a Wake County, NC. Or even like a Louisville metro EMS. Just looking for bigger city 911 without having to have a fire background. Thanks to anyone that can help out.....

Indianapolis IEMS. Not from there but I believe it is a seperate entity

Boston EMS runs a 3rd service system.

Pittsburg Pa
Syracuse NY
Rochester NY
Newark NJ
Atlantic City NJ
Most of Delaware's ALS is 3rd service
Chester PA

kind of depends on how you define a "bigger city"

Denver. Completely separate EMS and fire.

Just a quick random question, does anyone know if Fire responds along with EMS on calls, or is it strictly an EMS response?
In Indy it depends upon the info dispatch gets as to whether or not fire gets sent.
They are county ran. They used to be a part of the county run hospital, but are now their own entity.
Just a quick random question, does anyone know if Fire responds along with EMS on calls, or is it strictly an EMS response?

In Denver, fire responds with EMS only on Code 10 dispatches, which are emergent responses.
Hey guys,
Are there any Boston EMS employees here? I was curious if anyone knows when their next testing was for new Recruits. I can't find that info on their site.
Most of the counties in North Carolina have separate transporting ALS from the Fire department, including the large cities. Buncombe County EMS for Asheville, Medic for Charlotte, Forsyth County EMS for Winston-Salem, etc.
Worcester, MA has all of their EMS done by the paramedics of UMass Medical Center. Manchester, NH has AMR. New Orleans has third service municipal EMS. Albuquerque has a weird system where the fire department runs the call on scene but then a Presbyterian Health ambulance will transport the patient.
Fort Worth uses Medstar which I've heard good things about. Tulsa and Oklahoma City use EMSA. Fort Collins CO uses Poudre Valley Health Services. A lot of the towns surrounding Denver use Rural Metro.

New Orleans ems definitely does. They're employees totally separate from NOFD. Good place to work experience wise and good pay.