First I want to apologize for just now getting back to you. I didn't see the notification come in that someone had posted something, and I just happened to hop on and check on it.
Having a copy of a patient's driver's license or passport, would help with the verification of the spelling of a patient's name or making sure you have the correct mailing address. A copy of the insurance card is VERY helpful in billing, there are times that you are asked to send a copy of the insurance card along with a claim. As we know though, these documents are not always available, but when they are, I strongly encourage you getting them.
A DNR is always a good document to have just due to the type of work you do in this field. That way you cover yourself. For example, you transport a patient and you don't resuscitate them, the family throws a fit (because they didn't know they patient had a DNR), you have the documentation to back yourself up. As for needing it for billing, no I don't see it necessary. All my years in billing and I've never seen a need for it in the billing aspect.
I don't know of an actual website that would list out those reasons. The term "Medically Necessary" is defined differently by each individual. When reading a run I always put myself in that patient's position "If I was this patient with a nose bleed would I REALLY need to go by ambulance?" "If I were this patient who is 90 years old & has been vomiting & diarrhea for 48 hours would I REALLY need to go by ambulance?" If I answer "Yes" then I have to pull together to documentation to prove that it was Medially Necessary to the insurance company, who ever they may be. Medicare guidelines are always good to go by, as many insurances follow Medicare guidelines as well, but if you go a little off of those, as long as you've got good documentation to prove your right you should be okay. And even if you are submitting all the correct diagnosis, narrative, and additional documentation, you may still get a denial (which does happen from time to time), but if you feel confident that it was indeed Medically Necessary...don't give up on it...appeal appeal appeal!
I would get into the habit of getting a PCS for EVERY NON-EMERGENCY trip you take, no matter what the insurance is. Those non-emergency transports are the ones that will most likely get denied, and that is ALWAYS an excellent document to have on file! Medicaid's differ state by state, you will have to get on your state's Medicaid site and look up their requirements. Those state Medicaid's can be a pain in the butt and they're usually not worth any of it...cause most of them don't reimburse for crap!
The keys to billing are to diagnosis as much as possible (ICD9 Codes), always include a narrative (with information that you aren't able to get an ICD9 code for, ex

oss MI, list out equipment used or medications administered, ex: EKG, IV, Nitro), make sure your crew is documenting everything. I know they hate it, but it's got to be done. It's a waterfall effect....if they aren't documenting correctly, then the company is getting paid, which is in turn going to result in them not getting paid! Something else that you need to consider in billing private/commercial insurances like BCBS, Cigna, Aetna, Auto Insurances, Worker's Comp...ect, is that there are things that Medicare considers "Bundled" that you aren't aloud to bill them for, you can bill the private/commercial insurance for. Examples, BLS Disp Supplies, ALS Disp Supplies, IV, Oxygen, Pulse Ox, C-Collar...ect.
And you are VERY welcome for the answers to the billing questions. You are correct that billing is very important & can be very complicated. I started this thread because I thought it would be a good place for people to come ask a question and get an answer or suggestions. And the thread has turned out to be much more of a success than I thought it would be

I may not know all the answers, but with enough information, I can find it or direct you to where to start. And if I don't know, I'm not afraid to say so. Thank you for the opportunity! If you need some more help, please let me know!