First thanks for the info..
Second we have a 3rd party billing service, and I am curious as to a few things.
1. The Signature release sheet. after transporting a patient we are required to get a signature for a HIPPA release, and billing release which has been industry standard for a while now. I am ok with that. What has me a bit confused here is since its easier for us to make a scratch sheet/run sheet and the signature sheet the same paper (we have signatures on one side the other side has call related information) Patients name location of dispatch date times vitals etc. Our billing company now wants both sides to be completed in its entirety and attached to the PCR or chart. We were told that this is required for appropriate billing as it shows "medical necessity"
I was getting a lot of crap over it because I don't use them. These sheets are on legal document paper size 8.5 x 14, and are big bulky and look like crap when your trying to write notes in a moving ambulance. I tend to write all my information in shorthand on a index card or on a ECG strip. I believe if I have to have my hands tied up playing clipboard EMT im not treating my patient. So I would never fill these things out just the signature side and complete my assessment findings/ vital signs and treatment plan in the electronic charting. Now we are required to complete all of it. Is there a reason behind having to write out a chart and hand write a scratch sheet? My previous service had similar sheets with your scratch part on one side and signature sheets on the back. Never complained once that I never wrote them out.