Where to start?
You are correct that security does not threaten anyone. They have no legal right to detain or put their hands on anyone.
Law enforcement DOES threaten many in the general public. People in some areas feel LEO's are against them even though they have not committed any crime. This has been brought on by the attitude many LEO's have.
Security has no power and has NO role in the U.S.. Enforcing laws should be left up to Law Enforcement. Not EMS and certainly not Security.
"All drugs should be legal". Are you a complete moron? More crack and meth readily available. Yep that is exactly what we need.
Good for Greenburgh NY. In many other places the program failed.
EMS should be a part of healthcare involved not only in pre-hospital care, but intervention and prevention, public education and general public care that does not warrant transport in addition to our SOP.
I make more than many RN's here. I have more fun and get to see many things an RN doesn't.
If you want to be in public service so much, PLEASE do us all a favor and cut up your NREMT cards, close your account here and move on.
i actually have to agree with the legalization argument, what does keeping it illegal do?
it certainly doesn't make it unavailable,
our streets especially inner city are flooded with drugs,
and the only people making any profit off of it is the drug lords and the police,
drug laws and asset forfeiture laws mandatory minimum sentencing etc.. have done more to erode the freedoms of the common man than nearly anything else i can think of.
except for maybe the rivers of anti terrorism laws following september 11th,
legalize and let darwin weed out the people who aren't much use to society anyway
although it will never happen
when you think about it all of the free love free expression and free drug users from the sixties are the people running the show now, and not much has changed.
the system has not been altered to any great extent.
we have seen some common sense laws regarding marijuana possession and use.
but thats about it.
ah well opinions are like