Are there "types" of threads you avoid?


Still crazy but elsewhere
Reaction score
One way to decrease forum frustration is to selectively read and participate. Do you have any such pro(or con)clivities? What are they?
EKGs with no clinical findings.
How much pay will I get as an EMT.
I tend to lurk around in the Announcements, EMS Related News, EMS Talk, BLS Discussion, Scenarios, EMS Lounge, Did That Just Happen, and EMS Humor sections. I'll sometimes scan the topics in the other sections. When I was getting ready for my NREMT exam, I was also reading the posts in the NREMT section.
Unfortunately, the Community Leaders don't have that luxury.
Topics asking what topics I like, don't like, avoid, etc.
Except your posts.
I'll steer clear of threads with more than twenty replies depending upon the subject.
Anything to due with california, or places of employment, jump bags. Pov lights.
"Why can't I find a job in Southern California?"
"How do I prepare for EMT school?"
You did what!? To who? For how many jelly beans!?!?

I stray from any topic that looks like it has the potential to make me want to punch a baby. Most of those have already been listed.
I usually stay away from employment topics, those relating to equipment, and most that have 20 or more posts.