More murse than medic now...
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It's jaw dropping, steam shooting from your ears level angry, possible.
I typed up a long winded reply for the OP then realized this thread was back from the dead. Wonder where the OP ended up?
hahahaha. well lemme contribute too. if i can guide one bright eyed bushy tailed youngling to safety i can die a happy man. someone's bound to skim these pages.
first, steer clear of liberty. second, i strongly believe medix as a company has gone belly up so lets update that(i'm surprised there's no thread about any of it). doctors has already been doing mission viejo 911 interim. care is exactly what the previous positive comments have stated but right now there's high turnover due to Falck corporate (i always assumed during my short stint there) maximizing the minimization of OT. if you're new i hope you like working full time doing IFTs on a 5 8's schedule with little opportunity of OT. last i heard 8 hour shifts spilled over into the 911 scheduling as well. ppl there are not happy. theres talk amongst the emts of unioning up. still if you have the availability to work 5 8's at minimum wage for up to 9 months. then stick it out cuz CARE does take care of their employees. if they had medics i'd go back.