Ambulance gets booted

After reading that, I think the owner of the store is more responsible than ever.

If the guy was here on a tourist visa, he can't have had a SS#. So how was he on the payroll? How was he paying taxes? (Hint: I'll bet he wasn't. He was probably under the table.) Did he make sure the guy could legally work in the country?

The owner sounds like just as much of a scum bag trying to cut corners. He should have felony charges against him, for interfering with an emergency, damaging public property, and employing this guy. Jail time sounds appropriate for me.

My family owns a small business that employs immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. With SS numbers. That pay taxes. And have health insurance that isn't provided by the government.

So should everyone else.
Wow! This is impressive. In our area, the towing companies won't even tow an ambulance unless one of us is present for fear of getting stopped by cops and not being able to prove immediately that they are lawfully towing it because they can be arrested on the spot. Our chief found this out when we had a transmission issue with one of our rigs and we left it at the hospital for the towing company to get to in a few hours. He got a call back when they got there saying that if an EMT wasn't with him in the flatbed, he would refuse to touch the rig.
I cannot believe that someone would actually have the will power to even touch an ambulance especially when its emergency lights were on. And to add the medics were IN THERE BUSINESS!!!! They called 911 to help this man and then when 911 arrives they put a boot on the vehicle????? Really???? Kind of ridiculous. What would have they have thought if the patient would have died because his care was delayed because come idiot decided he was going to put a boot on an emergency vehicle??? Just sayin'. Some people really need to get there heads out of there butts!!!!!!!!!! If I was on that ambulance I wouldn't have been so nice about it thats for sure!!!! He would have seen a side of me he wouldn't have wanted to see because he was risking a person's life all because he thought it was necessary to put a boot on an ambulance!!!!
Sorry to rant but this really sorta got to me! :rolleyes:
we have all had bad jobs before, but maybe he is working at a convenience store because he lacks the mental capacity to do anything more. This may explain why he booted an ambulance.

If he is of diminished capacity, why is he being allowed to apply boots to cars? If I had a guy with diminished capacity working for me, I'd let him stock shelves, mop, stuff like that, but no cash handling and definitely no detaining people (by booting their cars).