yeah i'll get right on that, especially seeing how we got our asses chewed today for talking about it and telling everybody else. yep, after i sat through a meeting and got *****ed at for talking about it, i'm gonna post a news article that tells the details of where it happened and has pictures the place looking like hell. yeah, i dont think so. i'm not that stupid. i don't like it when you have a director going ape crap on everyone.
P.S. watch what you post on the web; somebody else saw what i posted on my online blog and snitched to the director and the most senior Medic there. so yes, my *** was in the sling. was given a warning about posting such things online and was told that any other offenses would be dealt with accordingly. so yeah, i was pissed, but i wasn't the only one in the line of fire today. but i was the only one that got pulled into the office and given the wonderful fortune (taste the sarcasm here) of havign a closed-door one on one with the director, the instructor, and the Medic that ratted me out. why the heck does trouble just find me?
so in answer to your question, no i am not posting an article on here. i would like to not have my *** in trouble any more over this deal, and i would also like to stay in my EMT class. i cant believe i am already gettin crap for what happened yesterday. wth? and how does another department find out about the crap and try to start somethin'?! what the heck is up with this deal???!!! people are so frickin' quick to judge anymore it's pathetic.