Am I in the wrong field?


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I not too long ago recieved my EMT-B in New Jersey. I am a Muslim and I have had a beard for about thirteen years. After reading some posts on this site I beginning to think that I made a bad decision becoming an EMT. I was planning on going to medic school after getting some experience. Being clean shaven is not an option for me because I am orthodox. I was thinking about taking the FDNY test in New York City but they clearly state on the Notice of Examination that the is a no facial hair policy. I know that there are alternative masks but I hear they are costly and may place an undue hardship on the employer. I'm not sure if an employer will allow me to pay for the mask myself and if so will I be buying a new mask everytime I change employers or go to medic school? My beard is about 2 inches long and about and 1 inch at the sides. It cuts off at the neck like. I always keep it tidy. Should I waste my time with this job or should I look for something else? I have attached a couple of photos.

Thanks in advance
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There have been many lawsuits over the past 10 years in regards to this issue. Decisions have gone both ways, religious rights win, safety wins.

You have to ask yourself, is it worth it for you?

Without a proper mask, you put yourself at risk whether it be a fire or an active TB patient. In the medical situations, you can always say well I accept the risks of my decision not to wear a proper fitted mask. However, will you still say that years later when you are ill and screaming for worker's compensation?

In a fire situation, again you may assume the risk but is it fair to make your coworkers part of that risk as they are the ones who will now have to risk themselves to extract you should you go down due to an ill fitting mask. Is it fair to make your demands, their demands?

I do not know the answer to this, it is for you to decide and how far you wish to go with it.

There are services that will hire you, mostly EMS only and allow facial hair. I have worn a full beard for years while working in various medical capacities. Ambulance, flight, have options, it just depends how thoroughly you seek them.

Good Luck!
There are services that will hire you, mostly EMS only and allow facial hair. I have worn a full beard for years while working in various medical capacities. Ambulance, flight, have options, it just depends how thoroughly you seek them.

You say there are services that will hire me. I'm a little new to this whole thing. Do you mean like EMT transport services or 9/11? Are you trying to say they would hire me knowing that I would be at risk or they would assign me duties where I would not be at risk? What are my chances of becoming a Paramedic? Please explain and btw I don't intend on putting myself and my family at risk. Actually, if I new the beard was such a big deal I would not have spent almost a year getting the license. I found this out towards the end of my training. I'm not looking for money or a lawsuit. Quite frankly, I don't think I would bother going to court.

Thank You
My volley unit is 911 and many men wear some form of facial hair (normally a goatee).

My IFT unit is paid and again they have facial hair (my partner today had food stuck in it and I kept trying to help him get to it w/o a mirror and w/o touching him b/c I would have ended up picking his nose LOL).

I not too long ago recieved my EMT-B in New Jersey. I am a Muslim and I have had a beard for about thirteen years. After reading some posts on this site I beginning to think that I made a bad decision becoming an EMT. I was planning on going to medic school after getting some experience. Being clean shaven is not an option for me because I am orthodox. I was thinking about taking the FDNY test in New York City but they clearly state on the Notice of Examination that the is a no facial hair policy. I know that there are alternative masks but I hear they are costly and may place an undue hardship on the employer. I'm not sure if an employer will allow me to pay for the mask myself and if so will I be buying a new mask everytime I change employers or go to medic school? My beard is about 2 inches long and about and 1 inch at the sides. It cuts off at the neck like. I always keep it tidy. Should I waste my time with this job or should I look for something else? I have attached a couple of photos.

Thanks in advance

Some private companies don't have an issue with short, well trimmed beards. One of my students has had a beard since he was an MFR student..he's now a medic. It hasn't been a problem for him however, he isn't fire.
ok, I appreciate the replies. I'll give it a try and won't keep my hopes up too high.
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As has been previously said, the courts have gone both ways. Check out this thread for a more recent decision:

The reality is that employers don't always follow the rules or the law, and you may be at a disadvantage. Especially in this tough economic climate where it's already challenging for EMT-Basics to find a job, the beard may not be working in your favor.

I suggest calling around, sending out applications and resumes, and keep working towards finding a job. If you're having a hard time finding employment in New Jersey, we have a few hundred members in your exact situation.

Good luck!
LawKev, let the hiring contact at a particular organization answer that question.

I would think there must be some work around, somebody, Gall's etc, must sell some gadget that covers your beard.

Any employer is entitled to make reasonable accomodations for you.

Best wishes for your job search.

I not too long ago recieved my EMT-B in New Jersey. I am a Muslim and I have had a beard for about thirteen years. After reading some posts on this site I beginning to think that I made a bad decision becoming an EMT. I was planning on going to medic school after getting some experience. Being clean shaven is not an option for me because I am orthodox. I was thinking about taking the FDNY test in New York City but they clearly state on the Notice of Examination that the is a no facial hair policy. I know that there are alternative masks but I hear they are costly and may place an undue hardship on the employer. I'm not sure if an employer will allow me to pay for the mask myself and if so will I be buying a new mask everytime I change employers or go to medic school? My beard is about 2 inches long and about and 1 inch at the sides. It cuts off at the neck like. I always keep it tidy. Should I waste my time with this job or should I look for something else? I have attached a couple of photos.

Thanks in advance

You will not work with FDNY with a beard. When I applied to FDNY, it was made clear I would never have a beard as long as I worked there.

There are many companioes that allow people to have beards.
For a private some places don't care some do. For a FD I'd say close 99% will not let you have a beard
Fire Departments typically won't allow beards as it's difficult, to impossible to ensure that your beard will allow you to get a good seal with an SCBA mask on any given day. If they do, they will require it to be trimmed to a specific profile that allows for a good seal. Same with private companies, if they're risk-adverse. Out here, none of the FD's allow for a beard, but they do allow a mustache trimmed to the corner of the mouth, specifically because of the SCBA fit requirements. The private ambulance companies out here also follow the same basic requirement as the N95 masks typically seal along the very same lines that the SCBA masks do.

I applaud you wanting to stay within your religious beliefs and being an EMT. I hope you find a service that can accommodate you. I really, really do!
What is there difference in the duties of the FD EMS and private EMS? I'm just trying to get why they use different equipment like SCUBA masks. I thought the fire fighter goes into the burning building and the EMS would have an area for triage for example. I understand what is being said regarding saving lives and I agree. Islam teaches that there should be no harm nor reciprocating harm i.e. don't harm yourself or others. This why I asked if I am in the wrong field. If what you all are saying is don't go to the FD or I'll have a fight then I won't go. I don't want to fight and I really appreciate all of the feedback.

A: that is not a tidy beard.

B: why are you allowed to trim it but not cut it off? Why do you have to have it? Why can't it be shorter if you can in fact trim it?

C: Why can you shave your mustache but not your beard?

D: I will never understand religions that tell you what you can look like...

Final answer: Yes you are wasting your time trying to work for an ambulance service with that beard. maybe if it was more maintained, but not the way it looks now.

Does the actual work not conflict with your religion? touching non-muslims, and seeing naked people and all that??
A: that is not a tidy beard.

B: why are you allowed to trim it but not cut it off? Why do you have to have it? Why can't it be shorter if you can in fact trim it?

C: Why can you shave your mustache but not your beard?

D: I will never understand religions that tell you what you can look like...

Final answer: Yes you are wasting your time trying to work for an ambulance service with that beard. maybe if it was more maintained, but not the way it looks now.

Does the actual work not conflict with your religion? touching non-muslims, and seeing naked people and all that??

I read your post but I'll be a gentleman and not reply to you.
just my opinion, but why not answer the questions and educate those who obviously don't understand your religion?
just my opinion, but why not answer the questions and educate those who obviously don't understand your religion?

Probably because he is wise enough to "see" the tone of the first post challenging him and has refrained from answering any further to avoid the obvious path this thread will take.

He came with a very specific question, he did not come to explain his beliefs, defend them, persuade, convince, convert or anything else and he should not have to.

He got the answers to his specific question, everything else in this thread is irrelevant.

If you truly want to know the answers, Google is at your fingertips and libraries are in your town.