so as a summary for us students: BSI gloves, is scene safe, , No. of Pts =1, call ALS due to high index of suspicion for head/neck injury from fall, GI =young man sitting , ao4, having fallen down stairs 20 ft , w/ suspect head/neck/cSp injuries due to Mechanism of Injury ( which is significant due to height), (BSNAGi survey thus complete.)
now put ghost EMT holding manual C Sp, then student assesses and Rxs ABC's -primary life threats: 1 ghost EMT holds manual stabilize of Head/neck while student is assessing head/neck/chest for need for Rx for life threats Airway Breathing . these are OK as pt is talking , GCSv=4 , AO4 (answering ?s, name , can swallow, =airway, OK) breathing is normal since air going in and out , lungs bilaterally inflate/deflate w/ normal Resp rate and depth after check with stethoscope, chest neg for DCAPTbls, no adventitious sounds. Circulation assessed as normal by pulse/ color/temp /turgor and no visible bleeds. student applies C Sp collar after ABC/head/neck , instructing ghost how to release head/neck stabilization. student continues rapid trauma 90 sec assessment for rest of body while ghost is instructed to prepare to apply o2 NRB 15 L. student finishes neg RapTrau assessment for head/neck/other trauma injuries, student begins OPQRTS/SAMPLE trauma w/ focused neuro assessment for CSp=hd injury. reassess C Collar,, checking PMS on all extremities. Then begin medical assessment w/ focused assessments on Diabetic issues, check pt's own glucometer since EMTs in our state can't carry them, Rx of buccal Glu since AO4 and swallowing. Package: don't want full supine B/B as supine increases ICpressure, so apply KED or short b/b and position in semi Fowler on wheeled stretcher, rapid transport due to CSp /neuro issues complicated by Db. , vitals every 15 , reassess ABCs and interventions ?
question: do you apply C Collar and O2, as part of ABC, then only after finishing full trauma/med secondary survey OPQRSTSAMPLE give the Glu ? and is this pt an ALS and rapid transport ?
now same MOI, but sitting patient, very altered AMS ie making no sense AOx 2 or less, GI now poor/ AO2 sitting pt having fallen w possible head/neck C Sp and AOx2, can't answer 'Can you swallow' question so no oral glu, suspect fall and hit head from environmental/ bystander MOI info, so definiately call ALS in d/t AMS all the r est is the same except no glucose because of AMS and vitals every 5 not 15..reassess all interventions after KED app.
am i forgetting anything? this is a combined trauma/med scenario which i don't think i really understand too well, because our book AAOS only has a few pages on what you are supposed to do...
thanks as usual for your insights. you may not realize how extremely helpful the advice from this board has been in our scenario exams..