Age Limitations


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Hello, first post here with a question to all of the professionals out there. Do you feel that there should be a age cutoff entering EMT-B. I'm a "young" 42 year-old male in fairly good condition, meaning, I can keep up with my teenage sons in all of the sporting activities they participate in. I am interested in pursuing a EMS career. Is it too late to start? I have seen age differences in the field of EMS from as young as 18 to 62 years-old. Your thoughts on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
There needs to be an age minimum! And you haven't met it yet!


Go for it!
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definately go for it....42 is still young these days, my dad is 45 and in great shape, i work with a medic who is in his early 50's and only had his medic for four years, and worked for two as an emt before then....good luck
doesn't having a little connection with the geriatrics gain us an in here?

My dad was in his late 50s when he became a paramedic. Go for it!
Age shouldnt matter

Im 23... but yanno something? I know a lot of people my age unhealthy that cant cut it in the profession, and I know a lot of healthier individuals that are 40plus your only as old as you feel and if your 50 bnut feel 20 then your 20...

My mom is 46 years old she looks her age she can still run circles around my brothers...28 and 33..need I say more? If you feel you can do it then more power to you!!!!!
I am older than you and I outrun most of the kids... your boss will appreciate your age age & responsability.

Be safe,
R/R 922
Assuming you have teenagers as I do, the immaturity of some of the kids you will end up working with is about the most annoying part of this job, so ya should be able to handle it. Good luck and welcome!!!
im 19 and a driver for the bus at our house we let 16yo ride the bus .. they have to have aed/cpr and some sort of ems training (in house counts). im also a lieutenant for the fire side also . we dont have an age limit all tho i think we should.
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My father retired as a NREMT-P at the age of 66. And he's still a little more sharp than I am, of course he has 54 years in the field of prehospital care to back him up.
Hey radar...go for it!! A 42 y/o in good condition is fine.I think there should be a limit though.For the reason being that,the carrying of pts. is hard for someone who is of age already.I dont want nobody to get hurt out there.We cant help anyone if we hurt ourselves.But hey go for it,may doors open up for you!
There shouldnt be an age limit, more of a physical ablility limit...some sort of agility test to make sure all those fine motor skills are up to the challenge, after all we have medic who is in his mid 50's and he does fine.
what say we take turns carrying each other around nyc.ems ? :)

Hey Radar your not from my area are you??

Just kidding we have some on our squad that are 19/20 and have a range up to probley about 60ish.

I have to agree that there shouldn't be an age limit necessarily but when you have some one who can't lift, get down on their knees, nor hear is when those people need to get off the department. I know we are facing this currently and it is not easy being one of the younger ones and having to say to our director don't put me on with so and so because I'm scared they are going to have an MI while on a call. That should through up red flags there. (My venting is done;))

But being 42 is not old at all and you can and will be fine in this fild of work.
lots of crews mandate anual physicals, as well as minimal wieght lifts, which iirc is different for man/women

FFEMT1764 said:
There shouldnt be an age limit, more of a physical ablility limit...some sort of agility test to make sure all those fine motor skills are up to the challenge, after all we have medic who is in his mid 50's and he does fine.

I noticed that the facility/program I am interested in has changed their requirements recently, i.e. physical ability, but not a age limit. How many of you work out regularly? And is this a requirement at your duty station? Thanks again for all your replies.
On the topic of "physical ability" limit...I think its even more important for law enforcement, no? I have seen almost every other cop with about 50 extra pounds...whats the deal with that?
We have to pass a physical upon applying, but after that, no. The cops have to go through a rigorous physical training program for months but again after that they are "supposed" to keep it up themselves, but there is no assessment later. There should be, maybe then I wouldn't have to force my husband to get some exercise. I can just see the arteries in his heart clogging up everytime he eats an angus burger. But I digress, I work out regularly but for a lot of reasons.

And I've worked with 2 medics 60+ who moved faster than I did.
as a FF it was annual, but most cops i work with couldn't chase a chocolate donut more than a block....dunno what that's about.....
