Age and firearms

Regarding carrying handguns:

  • I am under thirty, no military service, and want to carry.

    Votes: 20 39.2%
  • I am over thirty, no military service, and want to carry.

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • I am under thirty, no military service, and DO NOT want to carry.

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • I am over thirty, no military service, and DO NOT want to carry.

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I am under thirty with military service and want to carry.

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • I am over thirty, with military service, and DO NOT want to carry.

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I or a close family member have suffered a GSW.

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • I have successfully thwarted an actual, not possible, crime with a firearm.

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • My company specifically allows or encourages employees to carry firearms on duty.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The people who would be willing and able to arm themselves would be the more stable of people. Ideally CCW permits wouldn't be handed out like candy ("will issue" states), but not limited to people with a strict need (police, armed transport, etc. Most "shall issue" areas). Besides, nothing is stopping spmeone from illegally carrying anyways.

When you say "Shall issue" You meant "May issue" right? Or am I reading the post wrong...
Shooting someone with a firearm is deadly force regardless of where you're aiming or what you hit. But what you TELL the police, DA, Jury is that you "were in fear for your life and acted to stop the threat." You never actually SAY you were shooting to kill even if you were aiming right between the orc's eyes and had no intention other than killing it.

As far as "only one option" that's not necessarily the case. If you draw and the bad guy surrenders or runs, you have just successfully defended yourself with a gun. Killing is not the only option, but you'd better be ready to deal with killing when you make the decision to go armed.

Any handgun that the average person can reasonably carry concealed is NOT going to be a +20 wand of death. You have to aim for the most vital parts of the CNS and CVS and keep pulling the trigger until the threat drops. Doing that often means inflicting lethal wounds, but not always.

Likewise only the Lone Ranger's special effects crew is accurate enough to shoot the bad guy's gun out of his hand or shoot him in the leg or some other rapidly moving, relatively small part of his anatomy.

If you think you can carry and gun for protection and "shoot to wound" you should not carry a gun. Get a TASER of pepper spray.

The point I'm trying to make is that if you ARE going to pull a gun, you need to be prepared to fire and fire to kill. The worst thing you can do is pull a gun and then surrender to the burglar when he challenges you. Yes, if he surrenders or runs then don't fire.
I am 22 and (when off duty) carry occasionally. I feel it is an added sense of security, and if done legally and responsibly, I see no reason to deny any American the right.
I would like to point out that this thread was on carry a gun, not owning. The right to own is country/state dependant and will not change no matter how much you argue it. The right to carry (either in general or on the job) is the question.

In my area (I don't know how it works elsewere), you must have a CCW permit that is issued by the county Sheriff. The Sheriff must determine wheater or not there is a valid reason for you to carry.


The right to carry also depends on jurisdiction, and doesn't seem to change very often except in places with extreme laws. Some areas that are 'may issue' on paper will let pretty much anyone with no criminal record and no mental illness carry. Some issue permits so rarely that they might as well close that office.

In my area, you need to pass a basic firearms course and test, a criminal background check, and have no history of certain mental illnesses. We're officially 'may issue.'

In the past year, I've become very leery of the sheriff getting to decide who gets a gun. A friend of mine (in California, a bit north of the Bay Area) with no criminal record and no mental illness history whatsoever was recently denied a permit. Having a violent ex-husband stalking you, sending death threats, and breaking into your house isn't good enough reason when the ex is an old buddy of the sheriff.
No one but the Police should be allowed to carry hand guns, period!
Know matter what country you live in!-_-
The West was won a long time ago. Time to move on!
My nephew was over visited NZ from the States last weekend.
He has been living there for the past 12 years.
He was telling us how easy it is to walk into a shop and buy whatever weapon you please. That is very sad.
I know a lot of you are into guns...but to me guns are made for one reason only. That reason was not the reason, I became an Ambo.


Wow, I hope I read that wrong...

The thread is on Hand guns..........bit hard to shoot a deer with a hand gun JP, unless you are close.
If no one was allowed to carry handguns. You wouldn't need one to protect yourself from one, would you?
That what the police are surpose to do...protect us!

Nevermind, didn't read it wrong

So criminals are going to be honest and not have handguns

Thats funny stuff

Linuss...the point I'm trying to make is why fight at all. If like NZ, it was illegal to carry any form of weapon. Even a screwdriver on your person, to go out for the evening, for instance. Then you wouldn't have to have something to protect yourself.
I'm only one person and of course you have all had a lifetime of thinking about protection, as you know it in America.
What I think is not going to change the way any of you think.
I think it's sad that you have to go through the day,with a thought that you have to protect yourself, in that way!

You all will never agree with anything I say, as it's in your mind set.
But if all weapons were pulled from every person in the country, other then for use of Sport (includes hunting)or collections only. I wonder how that would react on the amount of GSW you'd be attending?


Sorry, I don't decide if someone is going to "fight"

Criminals will carry guns. Always have and always will. Same thing with knives etc.

If you truly believe that would solve the problems here in the United States where our 2nd amendment states we have the right to bear arms, then you sir, are living in a fairy land.

When you say "Shall issue" You meant "May issue" right? Or am I reading the post wrong...

Michigan is a shall issue state

On January 1, 2001 Governor John Engler signed into law Public Act 381. This new law liberalizes the
current mechanisms an individual could use to obtain a concealed weapon (CCW) permit. The new law
removes the requirement that an applicant for a CCW permit demonstrate a need for a concealed weapon
and removes the discretion of the local county concealed weapon licensing board in making a decision on an
application. It converts Michigan from a “may issue” state to a “shall issue” state.

Or were you talking about something else? Been a long night
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Okay, this one has gone on long enough.
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