The thread is on Hand guns..........bit hard to shoot a deer with a hand gun JP, unless you are close.
If no one was allowed to carry handguns. You wouldn't need one to protect yourself from one, would you?
That what the police are surpose to do...protect us!
I respectfully disagree. Maybe that is how it is in NZ, but that is not my reality. The primary purpose of handguns is defense, true. But just because hand guns are outlawed doesn't mean that the need to defend yourself goes away. If someone enters my house at night with a knife, with the intent to rob me (or worse - who really knows their motives), what do I do to defend myself? Pull out my own knife? I have no way of knowing what he has or what he wants. All I know is that he is in my home for illegal reasons and my family is at risk. Shoot to kill!!!
Yes, guns are WAY to easy to get a hold of in the US. But is guns were outlawed, then only outlaws would have guns. Look at other illegal items in the US, such as Drugs. You can outlaw them, but they are still everywhere. You outlaw guns, then good citizens will obey and be unarmed. Criminals will have the millions of unregistered and illegal guns in the US. You say that this is the police's issue? They are supposed to protect us? They are outgunned and outnumbered. In my area, if you call 911 the Deputies (who are undernumbered and have a huge area to cover) could take up to 45 minutes to respond; code 3. My house... ~15 minute response. Sorry, but if someone is in my house and threatening the safety of me or my faily, then I can't wait and hope that we all survive it with a passive approach without someone being severly wounded, raped, or killed.
In the end, all emergency services (from LE to EMS to Fire) are there to help the public, not be our only resource for staying safe and alive. It is like if an electric blanket in my home cathces on fire. Do I grab the extiguisher nearby and put out the fire while someone calls the FD? Or do evacuate the house and wait for the FD (with their 10-15 minute response time) to show up while my house becomes engulfed in flames? I am not saying that you carry a gun so that you can listen in to your scanner and help LE protect and serve... but it is your right (and resposibility) to protect yourself. If that means that you desire to legally and safely carry a gun... then so be it. If you can not moraly or ethicly do so... okay, I pass no judgements either way, as long as your desision doesn't affect me adversly.
I would have no objection to outlawing guns, as long as crime (and criminals with guns) did not exist... but I live in reality. For the record, I have no guns, but would consider them due to the area in which I live and my SAR work. I do carry a pocket buck knife on me everywhere I go for a variety of reasons (first reason is that I am a mountian redneck and last on the list is defense), and would use it if needed for self defense. I also carry pepper spray on SAR train/calls involving my dog, as I have been rushed by strays before. I also carry pepper spray at work at the snow park becasuse of the absense of LE in that area and the sketchy customers... but have never used it yet. :glare: