Critical Crazy
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Narcan competes for receptor sites, but isn't shown (not that I am aware at least) to produce any effects once it binds to the receptors in the absence of an opiate.
That's a very simplistic assumption of patient state. Image opioid countering poly pharmacy of the stimulant variety? Or chronic pain state now out of control!
Here are adverse reactions:
Most related to post surgical but many are potentially applicable pre hospital.
If you have no indication that a treatment it's needed, how might it hurt is every bit as important a question as how might it help. That is before you ask cost. If everything is equal it is considered best not to act in medicine unless you are desperate.
Back in the 80s using narcan to suppress endogenous opioids that use those receptors in shock states was thought to be the next great use of narcan. But it didn't work and the risk wasn't worth "doing it just in case" not to mention cost.