Drunk tossing - set up the cot at a pre determined distance, one EMT grabs the pt's arms, the other grabs the legs, and 1,2,3, heave ho!
Piggybacking lasix on the pt, to make them urinate on themselves while extended in triage. Good systems either use a pyxis, or other methods of med accountability to prevent illicit use, either on the pt or themselves. Thank goodness for that. I've seen some get fired for swiping benadryl, lasix, and high dose epi among others for personal use. How many knuckleheads have you witnessed bragging about starting a line on themselves, running in a liter or two, some D50 O2 and thiamine to relieve a hangover?
One crew bragged about carrying around extra 18G's to practice getting sticks on drunks' fingers. Whether they needed a line or not.
Securing someone well to a LSB, and then driving at high speed down a bumpy, pot hole strewn city street (Jamaica Ave in the mid to upper 100's) to cause pain, fear, and discomfort for the "allstate-itis" pt.
How about purposefully letting your pt get soaked in a rainstorm (when it was preventable) because they called for "BS" at 0300?
Anyone who withholds pain meds from a pt when indicated, due to the inconvenience of documentation, restock, QA/QI review and such.