About to start EMT school soon...quick question!


Forum Ride Along
Hi all, i'm brand new to this website and i just had a quick question for everyone.

I was doing some research about emt-b program lengths and most of them seem to range about about 150-200 hours to finish the program and so my question is, the school i am going to attend, their emt program is 600 clock hours, which seems to be a bit longer for an emt-b certification then the vast majority here, also the tuition also seems a bit higher as well, which i don't have an issue with, but i was just wondering if this is common or not when it comes to different emt programs.

The school i am going to is called the east san gabriel rop center. The course outline and total cost of tuition can be found on the program website if any of you want to look at it and help me figure out if this is common in emt programs or not! thank you thank you


ex-Parole officer/EMT
mine was 250-300 and was a lot.. so that's really high. Idk what they do, i'm hoping ROP stands for an occupancy program? :D. All in all It's uncommon for that much, since there's no real invasive procedures you do. I also feel like i was adequately prepared for the "real world" with 250-300 hrs of time.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
The curriculum seems fine. It looks like you have two choices between curriculum- one shorter and one more in depth. Me personally, if starting off, I'd have liked a more in depth class.

Their pass rates aren't terrible either (appears to be 91% for 2015). Though pass rates can sometimes be deceiving. If they started with 25, only finished with 10, and 9 passed Registry, then that's officially a 90% pass rate. But attrition prior to test date is still terrible. So that would be something to look at.

What gets me with that program is the cost. 3500-4500 seems outlandish for an EMT program. Down here they're about 1,000. That may or may not be standard for CA. @DesertMedic66 or @CALEMT may have some better insight into it, though.

Edit: As I look at it more, the shorter "Core" class would probably be sufficient. Our cadets get about 225hrs (M-F 8-5ish for 5 weeks straight), and have a 95% first time pass rate, 100% total pass rate, and zero attrition. They do get it shoved down their throats though, so the extra time to let things sink in would probably be beneficial for them (which the Core version would sufficiently meet). 600hrs is sounding like a bit much though. I think AEMT alone is around 600hrs.
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The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?


Forum Troll
The curriculum seems fine. It looks like you have two choices between curriculum- one shorter and one more in depth. Me personally, if starting off, I'd have liked a more in depth class.

Their pass rates aren't terrible either (appears to be 91% for 2015). Though pass rates can sometimes be deceiving. If they started with 25, only finished with 10, and 9 passed Registry, then that's officially a 90% pass rate. But attrition prior to test date is still terrible. So that would be something to look at.

What gets me with that program is the cost. 3500-4500 seems outlandish for an EMT program. Down here they're about 1,000. That may or may not be standard for CA. @DesertMedic66 or @CALEMT may have some better insight into it, though.

Edit: As I look at it more, the shorter "Core" class would probably be sufficient. Our cadets get about 225hrs (M-F 8-5ish for 5 weeks straight), and have a 95% first time pass rate, 100% total pass rate, and zero attrition. They do get it shoved down their throats though, so the extra time to let things sink in would probably be beneficial for them (which the Core version would sufficiently meet). 600hrs is sounding like a bit much though. I think AEMT alone is around 600hrs.
Usually the programs that are through a college are around the $1000 mark. It's the private courses that usually exceed that but a long shot (even more so for paramedic school). Medic school at a college is $4000-$6000 while the local private (statewide private course) is $12,000.


Forum Troll
$4,000 is a lot for any EMT program. 600 hours is also quite a bit of hours for the EMT level