A Hardy Thank You to Nursing Home Nurses


The Truth Provider
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I would like to thank the quality nurses at nursing homes. Thank you for the patience you show our loved ones that require 24 hour care. Thank you for making sure they take their medicines even when they cuss at you. Thank you for taking care of the bumps and bruises they get because they refuse to comply with doctors orders to use their walkers. Thank you for noticing they are not actually eating their food and need medical attention even though they deny it. Thank you for putting up with uneducated and lazy EMS people that have no clue what you do.
</sarcasm> ;)

Fer sure.
</sarcasm> ;)

Fer sure.

Nope. This is a serious thank you for those that often deal with some of the hardest realitys of life.
sounds like a financial opportunity investment in a reality show.....

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Did you have some sort of a "experience" with a nursing home to prompt this thread? I'm not quite following you.
I have been to a number of nursing homes. Yes there are a few bad ones but not nearly as many as there are bad emt's. I have seen family members cared for. We would show up at all hours day or night to make sure our loved ones were being cared for properly and we never found them or the home neglected. I have seen them cry when they lost a patient they have babied for years. It is time we give those, the majority a thank you. Sadly many are more like family to the old than their own familys who just dump them and never visit.
Did you have some sort of a "experience" with a nursing home to prompt this thread? I'm not quite following you.

He's responding to a post I made on another thread where I expressed my dislike at some who had no idea what other healthcare professionals do or must also deal with in their work environment especially those that work in LTC facilities.
He's responding to a post I made on another thread where I expressed my dislike at some who had no idea what other healthcare professionals do or must also deal with in their work environment especially those that work in LTC facilities.

Thank you and Sasha for making me think about the situation that needed attention. So again thank you hard working loving caring nursing home nurses.
Well, medic417. I am sure that Nursing home staff would appreciate what you said for them.
I have been to a number of nursing homes. Yes there are a few bad ones but not nearly as many as there are bad emt's. I have seen family members cared for. We would show up at all hours day or night to make sure our loved ones were being cared for properly and we never found them or the home neglected. I have seen them cry when they lost a patient they have babied for years. It is time we give those, the majority a thank you. Sadly many are more like family to the old than their own familys who just dump them and never visit.

Totally agree....I actually shadowed for awhile and some of the EMTs had a lack of care for geriatrics. I remember one saying "Why doesn't this guy just hurry up and die"...You don't know how bad I wantde to say "Hello, I'm Mike your local auditor." It's shameful to see such awful bedside manners, which my wife as a dialysis nurse reminds me of the importance of health CARE when she tells me a story of some awful nurses/PCTs
Totally agree....I actually shadowed for awhile and some of the EMTs had a lack of care for geriatrics. I remember one saying "Why doesn't this guy just hurry up and die"...You don't know how bad I wantde to say "Hello, I'm Mike your local auditor." It's shameful to see such awful bedside manners, which my wife as a dialysis nurse reminds me of the importance of health CARE when she tells me a story of some awful nurses/PCTs
Not to get off topic. I will walk into a NH and find a Pt that has no quality of life. I feel bad for the staff who have to deal with this stuff. It is hard for someone that see these Pts day in and day out. CNA's have the most Pt contact with these people. Also, I have also seen where it is not the nsg staff that is keeping the Pts alive it is the family. They sometimes can not understand a Pt with endstage Dementia has no quality of life. I don't know about you. I would never want someone to clean me after I go to the bathroom. I feel for the staff in these situiations. I hate feeding tubes, I hate when families don't have their loved ones as DNRs when they should be.
A very dear friend of mine sent me this topic. Knowing that I am a nurse in a LTC facality. I said I wouldnt post here again but he told me I needed to lighten up and give it a chance. True we do get a bad wrap I have heard everything from you cant be a real nurse that is why you work in a nursing home to omg I cant believe you are wasting your talents in a place like that. Just like 416 said there are good and bad in every profession. I prefer the LTC facality because I am the one that advocates for them when they have no one. It breaks my heart to see some of the people that are there we are their families they have no one. We have actually recieved some residents from a home that was closed down these people were abused that is why the state closed down the facality. We have nurtured and loved them and yes even spoiled them to a point. LTC is just a job like any other there are crappy homes and crappy workers. But you find that in every profession, from any aspect of heath care there are crappy docs down to crappy cnas its not the profession or the facality alot of times it just the employees that work there. I get rewarded every day in my job the politics sucks but the residents make up for it. But it all boils down to this do the job to best of your training and ability and it will all work out in the end.:rolleyes:
A very dear friend of mine sent me this topic. Knowing that I am a nurse in a LTC facality. I said I wouldnt post here again but he told me I needed to lighten up and give it a chance. True we do get a bad wrap I have heard everything from you cant be a real nurse that is why you work in a nursing home to omg I cant believe you are wasting your talents in a place like that. Just like 416 said there are good and bad in every profession. I prefer the LTC facality because I am the one that advocates for them when they have no one. It breaks my heart to see some of the people that are there we are their families they have no one. We have actually recieved some residents from a home that was closed down these people were abused that is why the state closed down the facality. We have nurtured and loved them and yes even spoiled them to a point. LTC is just a job like any other there are crappy homes and crappy workers. But you find that in every profession, from any aspect of heath care there are crappy docs down to crappy cnas its not the profession or the facality alot of times it just the employees that work there. I get rewarded every day in my job the politics sucks but the residents make up for it. But it all boils down to this do the job to best of your training and ability and it will all work out in the end.:rolleyes:

Thank you for what you do and for your honest reply as an insider.
Thank you for what you do and for your honest reply as an insider.

I really do admire the work and talents of the staff at many of the LTCs in my area. I would like to say I frequent many in the region. The staff works very hard and in many places, really do an exceptional job. My beef really comes from the administration, that decreases staffing levels, increasing workload, and leading to poor patient outcomes. There is no reason for there only to be one RN in hte building at a 300 bed facility, or for staff to "float" around between floors and facilities, so they dont know their patients and dont know protocols.

I thank this staff for taking great care of my loved ones, and appreciate the ammount of work and stress they are sujected to, and thank them immensely.
I have never seen a decent nursing home. I have known an outstanding nurse who tried to work in one to turn it around. It seemed a fools errand and we were glad she went back to ICU.

I don't think it is the staff, so much as the system. I have seen places where all the RN gets to do is paperwork or the first 4-6 hours of a shift while "aids" are responsible for the care.

Of course the flip side of all of this is I probably never see patients from good nursing homes because they are taking care of their patients not punting to the ED.
Excellent points, Veneficus.

I recall snickering when walking through a ECF and seeing a posting with bios of the managment team... the clinical leader "felt he had a calling to long-term care" out of nursing school.

That said - I do recognize that there are many good nurses and CNA's in such facilities... HOWEVER, we remember the impressivly bad ones... the ones that lie to your face and tell you that the DOA that is cold, gray, and stiff as a board at 2pm "was fine 15 minutes ago"

So I actually have to agree with the OP - to those that are doing their jobs... THANK YOU.... and to those that aren't... well, we'll always be around to pick up after you.
I have a great deal of respect for those that actually do that job and still are able to demonstrate some compassion for the residents.

Of the facilities I've been to in my area, I can think of only one or two I would recommend or want to see my family placed in if needed--though I can think of a few nurses at many of the other facilities that I believe actually care.