A deer hit me

Pittsburgh Proud

Forum Lieutenant
Yes, I didn't hit the deer it hit me.
I'm 40 years old, driving since I was 16, drive fire trucks, ambulances and in my younger days would blue light like crazy and never had an accident. So yesterday at 4:50 am I was traveling down the road when a deer came out of no here and hit me in the side of the van (the double doors) making a small softball size dent and I must have spun him around and then he put a dent 8 to 12 inches square in the rear quarter panel just in front of the rear wheel.
Man it made a thud and rocked the van. I just didn't need this, the paperwork you have to fill out for such a silly thing....

Just my luck. :rolleyes::P
I had a bird fly infront of me oneday driving on the interstate and smashed into the window right in the wiper blades. It cracked the windshield, and the greatest thing was there were feathers and everything in the wipers and it just smeared all over the windshield when I tried to clear it off.

But yes, as we all know the paperwork and pee-cup are obnoxious for an unavoidable cracked windshield.
I've had turkey's buzz me but never hit one... Man what an ugly bird they are, well at least up close. They look pretty good cooked and on the table though.
I took out a bunny once. Not a wild rabbit, but a cute, fuzzy, white bunny. I was running code to a respiratory call on a frequent flier that never called without reason. Bunny ran out into the road, I slowed, bunny cleared the road then turned right back and ran under the wheels. Bunny wanted to die.
When I was like 12 I was riding a bike downhill at a pretty good speed. A bird flew into my forehead, broke it's neck and died.

I love birds. :( It was definitely the strangest sensation ever... just riding my bike and all of a sudden a ball of feathers hit me in the forehead.
My partner hit a skunk of the way to a call last fall. Had to take the truck out of service for the whole weekend and park it out back to let the stink blow off. It was down right nasty.
When I was a kid, my dad and I were on this long strech of road in Florida near the panhandle. A vulture flew up from the side of the road and hit our windshield. My dad, who ran a route through the area every week thought the bird was going to clear the van, but not this time. I was engrossed in my comic book when something dark filled peripheral vision. I looked up to a loud _SPLOP!!_ and saw the bird splayed across the wind shield from one end to the other. Sure got my attention!

We hit a dog on the way to a call. It ran out in front of us. We continued to the call. When we arrived at the call there was a crowd of people there. They were all pointing at the ambulance and we didn't know why.

When we got out, we turned to see that the entire front and pass. side of the unit was covered in blood!

That doesn't look very good!!!!
We hit a dog on the way to a call. It ran out in front of us. We continued to the call. When we arrived at the call there was a crowd of people there. They were all pointing at the ambulance and we didn't know why.

When we got out, we turned to see that the entire front and pass. side of the unit was covered in blood!

That doesn't look very good!!!!

Oh my god. Now that's bad PR.
The president of our service was driving home from a transfer at about 02:30 when she hit a black angus cow that was standing in the middle of the road. There were two emt's in the front and one sleeping on the cot. Fortunateley nobody was hurt. The rig however sustained a sizeable amount of damage but not enough to total it out.:o
I've been hearing more and more about deer running into cars. It happened to a friend of mine a year or two ago. Totaled a brand new audi.

I hit a bunny once, but thats all that i can think of. Last summer, I was riding along with a couple of friends and there was a deer at the top of a hill we crested. My buddy's reaction was dodge it...dumb idea, but it did us more good in the end. Lucky SOB.:rolleyes:
We hit a dog on the way to a call. It ran out in front of us. We continued to the call. When we arrived at the call there was a crowd of people there. They were all pointing at the ambulance and we didn't know why.

When we got out, we turned to see that the entire front and pass. side of the unit was covered in blood!

That doesn't look very good!!!!

On an ambulance... no, but on a police car... sure helps sort out the drunken fighters!

I was on a call last year late october with a group of 4-5 "frequent drunks" at our campus pub. One decided tonight was a good night to start some stuff with the security guards, so we flagged down an officer to come for a little visit...

Car turns the corner, pulls up in front of the pub, rear quarter panel COVERED in blood, with smear marks.

Needless to say, the troublemakers became as docile as teddybears...
I took out two deer on one call. First I head dead on and it exploded. the second i just caught it's snout on the air vent and ripped it off. There was deer fur and guts all over the place. Even in the light bar! Both died.
Yes, I didn't hit the deer it hit me.
I'm 40 years old, driving since I was 16, drive fire trucks, ambulances and in my younger days would blue light like crazy and never had an accident. So yesterday at 4:50 am I was traveling down the road when a deer came out of no here and hit me in the side of the van (the double doors) making a small softball size dent and I must have spun him around and then he put a dent 8 to 12 inches square in the rear quarter panel just in front of the rear wheel.
Man it made a thud and rocked the van. I just didn't need this, the paperwork you have to fill out for such a silly thing....

Just my luck. :rolleyes::P

Actually it is quite common. Deer run into cars all the time. I have seen it many times. Be glad it ran into you, less damage than if you ran into it.
Actually it is quite common. Deer run into cars all the time. I have seen it many times. Be glad it ran into you, less damage than if you ran into it.

Agreed but I thought that was the craziest thing. never had one just charge out of no where and blast into me like that. :wacko:
Did you find the deer? Does the FD have deer steak for the bar-b-que this weekend?

One of our rigs hit a deer that ran out in front of them about 2 years ago... TRASHED the rig... the grille was almost gone, and there was fur in the radiator and cracks in the hood. The rig needed lots of work.

Around here, we have lots of deer vs. vehicle incidents... we are in a suburban area that has been slowly building into what little wildlife habitat is left, and the deer are overpopulated.

Valley Forge National Park is close by, and the Park Service says the amount of deer on the park property is 14 TIMES the number reccomended by the State to allow for preservation of wooded land. Every time they try to do a controlled deer kill, though, the neighbors complain and the animal-rights groups show up, playing the "Bambi" card.

My parents are one of the area printers... they have several customers who have "deer control" businesses.
Responded to a reported MVC out on the Interstate recently; as we pulled up to the scene there was about a 40 yard deer-slick on the pavement. Mom reported that she was driving when all of a sudden every window on the right side of the van imploded onto the kids and her sleeping hubby. She was very upset, rattling on at very high speed about drive-bys, snipers in the woods, shotguns, hunters, etc. She apparently never saw the now well-deceased 10 point that had apparently ran out of the woods and kamikazied himself into the side of the van. We walked her back down the road and showed her the carnage, then found a bunch of deer hair in the van and stuck into the side doors. Took her awhile to calm down while we did all the no-transport paperwork in the back of the ambulance, but she finally began to accept our explanations. Her son continued to be somewhat upset though: when we explained to them how lucky they were to not have hit the deer at 70 MPH, he was really bummed that he'd missed out on a chance to ride in the helo to the hospital! Seems dad had been in a bad MVC a few years earlier and had been airlifted, and Junior had always been hoping for the same "opportunity"... :rolleyes:.
he was really bummed that he'd missed out on a chance to ride in the helo to the hospital! Seems dad had been in a bad MVC a few years earlier and had been airlifted, and Junior had always been hoping for the same "opportunity"... :rolleyes:.

Well it is important for young people to have goals.:P