9/11 Conspiracy.. Must Watch!

But I have an open mind!

My thoughts on the HEROS of the WTC! It was a very sad day and many friends, brothers sisters fathers uncles aunts moms and dads died that day!
They are truly hero's and will live forever in our minds thoughts there familys in our prayers! But something wrong happened that day! Something bad! I can go deeper into this I have studyed much about it! But I can see that most of you cant wont or maybe except reality!

wont except reality..... I was there Buddy and Im sure a few others were too... call it a closed mind for not agreeing with the video.....

The towers were built to sustain hurricane winds, and an extended amount of force...They even replayed it, the reason that they came crashing down was because of the angle...Now this being said you take a plane LOADED with Fuel.... it hits the side of building the fuel IS going to explode causing fire, causing the roof to crumble cause and effect

you want sworn testimony I was there... it was the Heat that caused it to crumble it made the metal supports pliable and one after another came down...once one floor went the others..the buildings STILL have a certain rigidity to them even if they sway....Once the fuel on the planes went and the building was engulfed in flames it was a matter of time until the rest followed...THAT is why they "Pancakd down" thy swayed up until the Fuel went after that........

if you researched it so much you would have known the cause and effect
I have much to write I will post it in a few days!
I am surprised by many of these posts.

I don't believe in some grand plot, but I like to see people challenging the norm. I think we're far too quick to believe what he hear and read. Again, I don't think there is a 9/11 conspiracy, but I am tired of people accepting news reports, television, and TV and absolute truth.
Hi all-

I am new to this forum and was intrigued by this thread. I am not one to just believe what is said in the news or feel if you don't ,you are somehow not supportive of our troops or government. What is great about our country is we can question and inquire to get the facts, and fight to change what we feel is unjust. I believe there were a lot of f***ups that happened that day and leading up to that day and that of course officials will try to cover their butts.

This is somewhat off topic but I felt this was interesting and revealing as to how our government is taking care of those who were taking care of others while George B was reading a story to school kids about a goat.....

September 11, 2006

By Ken Schram

SEATTLE - They were there to honor the dead.

But they don't seem to give a damn for the living, many of whom may also be dying.

There was a whole host of hypocritical politicians gathered in New York to mark the 5th anniversary of 9/11.

It was a stunning display of callous indifference to the men and women once hailed as heroes.

Last week a definitive medical study told it all.

It found that 70 percent of the emergency workers at Ground Zero five years ago have developed new, or worsening, respiratory problems from breathing the highly toxic air.

Read the Rest Here
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while George B was reading a story to school kids about a goat.....

Many people were doing other things on the morning of 9/11. So what?, Bush was reading a story until he heard the news.

It is my understanding from reading various articles in newspapers from around the NY area that Gov. Pataki has passed legislation for 9/11 workers to receive benefits related to medical problems form working at Ground Zero.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg is the one using some of the 1 billion $$ received from the feds to fight the sick first responders. So, it seems the politician to crucify would be Bloomberg.
not a single Ground Zero worker has been compensated.
I'm just curious, could you cite your source please?
Sure Firechick-


Regarding your comment that many others were doing things when the planes hit (which has no relevance whatsoever) I will address it. For the leader of country to just sit there in a classroom when the first plane hit- well, understandable. We all know about terrible accidents and no need to fly off in a panic. But after hearing the second plane hit, he remains sitting there for over 5 minutes (it is on video as this was a major press story/photo op for the president), and even picks up a book. Sorry, this is his job. The country in under attack our leader just sits there? Maybe he wanted to see how the story ends.
I don't know about you but if the pager goes off I can't just sit there and finish my latte. I might bring it, but I won't keep sitting there.
I'm actually going to vote that we deep six this thread. Why? Well, there are things that we can all agree to disagree on. Religion & politics are the two biggies that we generally avoid at work because they bring up heated emotions on both sides of the fence and we say things that we normally wouldn't.

I vote that we just remember those that we have lost and work to prevent it from happening again. Sound like a reasonable compromise? :)
I vote to drop it also because normally I'd respond to the previous post. :)
Then you would know of tiffany bible the first paramedic on the scene at Oklahoma bombing who testified under oath and in court documents that when she arrived on scene as the first unit that ATF was already dressed in bomb gear!!! 5 minutes after the call she arrived! It takes almost 30 minutes for them to put on the bomb gear! When she asked an unnamed ATF officer if any of his guys were in there she was told no we were paged not to come in in the morning! A sworn statement from Tiffany Bible!! Only one ATF officer died in the blast he didnt get the page! Many of you people are experts at what you do in the fire dept! Tell me then why the oklahoma bomb blast blew out one side of the murray fed building! Blew it out in the road!! On top of a homemade fertilizer bomb! Yea right! But you have 2 planes flieing a few hundred miles an hr in to 2 of the tallest buildings in the country and they hardly swayed! But instead pancaked down bom bom bom bom bom tell me how that happens? Watch the video with an open mind! Im being serious! Flame me if you like Ive got big broad shoulders. But I have an open mind!

You may have an open mind, but ignorant and mis-informed on facts. Of course conspiracy theorist did not publish the "rest of the story".

First, Tiffany is a very close and personal friend of mind, as well I was her EMT instructor as she claims...." I am her mentor".. not, my words .. hers.
So, what she believes is what she believes.. as well, I do know whom and what really occurred as well.

Like those who spoke on being there on 9/11 tragedy. I logged in there 12 minutes after occurrence of the Murrah bombing.. In fact before most EMS units responded. I do know whom was there first... and whom was not. As well I personally cared for ATF agents.. so there goes that theory..In fact, I was very surprised on how many agents that was there, and since there was a training exercise (yes, they do have them scheduled) there was not many field agents. I assisted in pulling out remains of those at the ATF office as well as a friend of mine sister remains in that office. Again, those who want to "build up" conspiracy theories have a vivd imigination and cannot take things as they really were. While there at it they can also purchase the "National Sun".. I believe they posted they found "big foot and a two headed alien"... surely, the government hid that from us too. Now,do you really think that some major networks would not "have found" a cover up in lieu of some students and amateurs, that made an internet film? Some credibly, huh?

p.s. I am not fire. I was the Associate Director of the Trauma Systems Division for the State of Oklahoma. Part of my duties, was to design a formal EMS plan, including disaster services. I was there... and unfortunately, I was there too long. It has taken a tole on me, my family and many others , emotionally and physically like my fellow rescue brothers in NYC and the other tragedy areas that occurred that day 9/11.

I agree to lock this thread.. poor misinformation has been brought out. It has proved one thing, don't believe everything you read or see...
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First of all, I've worked in every level (federal, state, and local) of government and this I know to be a fundamental truth of the universe.

"Our government can't keep a secret to save it's ***."

There are too many people that want credit for their actions to let anything remain a secret for long, and our mainstream media (as much as I dislike them) is very good at uncovering this type of conspiracy.

As far as locking this thread goes, if everyone would stop replying to it to ask that it be closed, the thread would drop off the list and disappear. I'm hesitant to close it because with the exception of the first round of emotional responses, everyone has conducted themselves very well.

Ok. What about Area 51, or any of the other "secret goverment sites." To some extent, there are some folks in military units that "don't exist" Delta force, Seal team 6, etc....

Ok. What about Area 51, or any of the other "secret goverment sites." To some extent, there are some folks in military units that "don't exist" Delta force, Seal team 6, etc....

Yea, Richard Marcinko is the man.

Ok. What about Area 51, or any of the other "secret goverment sites." To some extent, there are some folks in military units that "don't exist" Delta force, Seal team 6, etc....

Don't forget THE A-TEAM!
Ok. What about Area 51, or any of the other "secret goverment sites." To some extent, there are some folks in military units that "don't exist" Delta force, Seal team 6, etc....

My point exactly...if our government could keep a secret, do you think we would even know about these things at all? It's an axiom of security operations that the more people that know about something, the chance that someone else will find out increases exponentially.
This is an old thread but I can not help myself. Loose Change has had several changes. Why? Because once they get debunked they come up with new "questions" to ask despite that they have been answered numerous times.

THe 9/11 truth movement a.k.a. the conspiracy movement demands a new investigation. Since they suspect the government of plotting 9/11, who exactly is supposed to conduct this investigation? If the government relents and reinvestigate 9/11 and come to the conclusion that 19 Al Qeida trained terrorists did it, the truther will demand yet another investigation until on blames the US government and the Neo Cons. But hey, the truth movement is "just asking questions"


CT theorist often point to World Trade Center #7 as being proof of a controlled demolition often denying the building had been damaged. FDNY and NYPD both clain the building was extensively damaged by falling debris of the North Tower. WTC#7 had burned for several hours with the fires being unfought. They claim Larry SIlverstein admitted it because in a documentary the FDNY called him and Silverstein said to "pull it" and the firefighter evacuated the building and they watched the building collpase. So its the lease holder and the FDNY behind the 9/11 attacks?

Dozens of witnesses saw a 757 hit the Pentagon. No one saw a missle or military plane crash into the Pentagon. DNA of people on the 757 were found along with pieces of the exact missing 757.

The planes in NYC were witnessed by hundred of thousands if not millions live and in person. The rest watched the 2nd plane hit on tv with dozens of amateurs having caught it on camcorders. The first plane was videotaped and released on 9/12.

The James Randi Education Foundation forums have debunked all theories of conspiracy. Speak with Gravy/Mark Roberts and along with others will anwser any and all questions. They have set up resources to help debunk these idiot truthers.

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